Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2019; Boston, Massachusetts
Session S07: Metal/Insulator and Superconductor/Insulator
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Room: 109B
Chair: Nandini Trivedi, Ohio State University
Abstract: S07.00004 : Magnetism and correlation effects in titanium phosphate at high pressure
11:51 AM–12:03 PM
Johan Jönsson
(Linkoping University)
Johan Jönsson
(Linkoping University)
Marcus Ekholm
(Linkoping University)
Igor Abrikosov
(Linkoping University)
temperature is varied e.g., the spin-Peierls transition. We have investigated the influence of
magnetism and electron correlation on this behaviour upon compression.
At ambient pressure TiPO4 forms the orthorhombic structure
called phase I, with TiO6 octahedra forming chains along the c-axis. As pressure
is increased these chains begin to dimerise, leading to the
incommensurate phase II, further increases of pressure locks the
dimerisation in the chains, forming the commensurate and dimerised phase III.
Even higher pressures leads to two new phases, IV and V, that show
a noticeable increase in density.[1]
The chains in phase III exhibit a behaviour similar to what has been observed in
VO2, as a function of temperature. This suggests that TiPO4 may be
useful to investigate the correlation effects in VO2 at room
temperature but at high pressure.
At high pressure phase III undergoes a transition from a Mott
insulating state into a metallic one. This Mott transition triggers another
phase transition revealing two new, Mott insulating, phases, one non-magnetic
and dynamically stabilised and another antiferromagnetic with strong local
magnetic moments.
[1] - M. Bykov, et. al., Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, 15053.
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