Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2009 APS March Meeting
Volume 54, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Invited Speakers
Abanin, Dmitry Princeton University |
Session B1.00004 Robustness of quantum Hall effect in locally gated graphene devices Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Abramavicius, Darius University of California, Irvine |
Session A38.00003 Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Photosynthetic Complexes: Manipulating Quantum Pathways by Optical Pulse Sequences Room: 410 |
Acremann, Yves SLAC |
Session T31.00001 Ultrafast magnetic imaging of nanostructures Room: 335 |
Adam, Shaffique University of Maryland |
Session J1.00002 A self-consistent theory for graphene transport. Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Affatigato, Mario Coe College |
Session T29.00001 Physics NSF-REU Site Director Workshop: What Did We Learn and What Questions Remain? Room: 333 |
Aji, Vivek University of California at Riverside |
Session D2.00002 Quantum critical fluctuations in cuprates and d-wave superconductivity through their coupling to fermions Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Akerman, Johan G\"oteborg University and Royal Institute of Technology |
Session X31.00008 Synchronization of spin-torque oscillators via phase-shift control Room: 335 |
Akhremitchev, Boris Duke University |
Session V27.00001 Kinetic parameters of association and dissociation between single molecules measured by single-molecule force spectroscopy Room: 329 |
Aksimentiev, Aleksei University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Z6.00005 Molecular mechanics of DNA stretching, electrophoresis and condensation Room: 406 |
Albrecht, Manfred Chemnitz University of Technology |
Session V7.00003 Magnetic nanocap arrays with tilted magnetization Room: 407 |
Ambrose, Bradley Grand Valley State University |
Session A6.00002 Innovations in Teaching with Computers: What Works, What Doesn't, and How We Can Tell Room: 406 |
Andersen, Ole Krogh Max-Planck Institute for Solid-State Research |
Session Q30.00004 How to make a cuprate Fermi surface out of a nickelate heterostructure Room: 334 |
Anfinrud, Philip National Institutes of Health/NIDDK/LCP |
Session H37.00002 Time-resolved X-ray scattering of proteins in solution: a new method for probing biomolecular structure and function Room: 409 |
Animalu, Alexander University of Nigeria |
Session B6.00001 On the differences between theories of conventional and high temperature superconductors Room: 406 |
Aoki, Dai CEA-Grenoble |
Session H4.00002 Unconventional superconductivity of NpPd$_5$Al$_2$ Room: 306/307 |
Aronson, Meigan Brookhaven National Laboratory/Stony Brook University |
Session L5.00002 A New Route to Quantum Criticality in Yb$_{3}$Pt$_{4}$ Room: 401/402 |
Asher, Sanford University of Pittsburgh |
Session L37.00001 UV Resonance Raman Discovery of Gibbs Free Energy Landscape for Protein Alpha Helix Folding Room: 409 |
Aspect, Alain Institut d Optique and CNRS |
Session X8.00005 Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter-waves in an optical disorder Room: 414/415 |
Aspelmeyer, Markus Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria |
Session Y8.00001 Quantum Optical Control of Micromechanics Room: 414/415 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session D38.00002 Environment-assisted quantum transport in photosynthetic complexes. Room: 410 |
Assefa, Solomon IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session B5.00003 Heterogeneous Integration of Materials on Si for Nanophotonics Devices Room: 401/402 |
Astumian, R. Dean Department of Physics, University of Maine |
Session H3.00003 Full Counting Statistics for Brownian Sieves and Brownian Molecular Machines Room: 301/302 |
Atwater, Harry California Institute of Technology |
Session T2.00004 Plasmon-enhanced Absorption, Modulation and Spontaneous Emission in Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Films Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Awschalom, David D. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session J10.00001 Optical Detection and Control of Single Magnetic Ions in Photonic Microcavities Room: 304 |
Bachtold, Adrian CIN2 (CSIC-ICN) Barcelona |
Session J24.00001 Nanotube and Graphene ElectroMechanics Room: 326 |
Bakajin, Olgica Biosciences and Biotechnology Division, PLS, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session P4.00004 Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Water Purification Room: 306/307 |
Balakirev, Fedor Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P35.00007 Fe pnictides in high magnetic fields. Room: 405 |
Balazs, Anna University of Pittsburgh |
Session X4.00001 Global Signaling of Localized Impact in Chemo-responsive Gels Room: 306/307 |
Baldo, Marc MIT |
Session A38.00002 Luminescent Solar Concentrators Employing Phycobilisomes Room: 410 |
Balents, Leon Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB |
Session Q31.00009 Frustrated and Quantum Antiferromagnetism on the Diamond Sublattice of A-site Magnetic Spinels Room: 335 |
Banavar, Jayanth Penn State |
Session Z8.00001 Allometric Scaling in Biology Room: 414/415 |
Barankov, Roman Boston University |
Session H6.00002 Microscopic diagonal entropy and many-body dynamics Room: 406 |
Barkema, Gerard University of Utrecht |
Session B4.00004 Anomalous dynamics of polymer translocation Room: 306/307 |
Barnes, Stewart Physics Department, University of Miami |
Session B22.00001 Role of motive forces for the spin torque transfer for nano-structures Room: 324 |
Barthel, Christian Harvard University |
Session D4.00001 Singlet-triplet dynamics in double quantum dots probed with single-shot readout Room: 306/307 |
Bartsch, Thomas Loughborough University |
Session V38.00002 Transition States in a Noisy Environment Room: 410 |
Bar-Ziv, Roy Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel |
Session V2.00004 Gene brushes on a chip: From crowding and the search problem to synthetic systems Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Baskaran, Aparna Syracuse University |
Session X5.00003 Self Propelled Particles: from microdynamics to hydrodynamics Room: 401/402 |
Basov, Dmitri UCSD |
Session A1.00001 Infrared spectroscopy of gated structures based on single- and bi-layer graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Bassereau, Patricia Institut Curie |
Session Q39.00001 How some proteins tubulate membranes Room: 411 |
Batlle, Xavier Dep. Fisica Fonamental and Institut de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain |
Session Y4.00004 Exchange bias in core/shell magnetic nanoparticles: experimental results and numerical simulations Room: 306/307 |
Bauer, Gerrit TU Delft |
Session D8.00001 Thermal Spin Transfer Torques Room: 414/415 |
Bauer, Wolfgang Michigan State University |
Session B3.00005 Integrating Research Experiences into the Undergraduate Education Room: 301/302 |
Bawendi, Moungi MIT |
Session H10.00007 Photoluminescence and multiexciton dynamics in semiconductor nanoparticles Room: 304 |
Bayer, Manfred TU Dortmund University |
Session P1.00001 Optical control of spin coherence in singly charged quantum dots Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Beamish, John University of Alberta |
Session W1.00002 Elastic Behavior and Dislocations in Solid Helium Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Beck, Thomas Univ. of Cincinnati |
Session W38.00002 Modeling Ion Solvation and Transport through Chloride Transport Proteins Room: 410 |
Becke, Axel Dalhousie University |
Session D37.00002 Van der Waals Interactions in Density-Functional Theory. Room: 409 |
Behringer, Bob Duke University |
Session Y7.00001 Statistical Mechanics of Jammed Matter Room: 407 |
Beidenkopf, Haim Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel |
Session X2.00001 Thermodynamics and Flow of the Vortex Matter at the Second-Order Glass Transition in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+\delta}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Bellan, Paul Caltech |
Session L6.00001 Simulating Astrophysical Flows in Laboratory Experiments Room: 406 |
ben-Avraham, Daniel Clarkson University |
Session L9.00001 A Reacting Particles System arising from the Conserved Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation Room: 303 |
Benmokhtar, Fatiha Carnegie Mellon |
Session T6.00003 Graduate studies in a globalized world Room: 406 |
Beno\^It, Fauqu\'e Laboratoire Photon et Matiere |
Session Y3.00002 Hall Plateaus at magic angles in ultraquantum Bismuth Room: 301/302 |
Beratan, David Duke University |
Session P37.00003 Electrons tunneling through fluctuating water and proteins Room: 409 |
Berg, Erez Stanford |
Session J2.00002 Theory of a striped superconductor Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Berman, Barry The George Washington University |
Session V8.00005 Panel Discussion on Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Room: 414/415 |
Berne, B.J. Columbia University |
Session V6.00003 Urea's action on the hydrophobic interaction in physical and biophysical systems Room: 406 |
Bernhard, Christian University of Fribourg and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials |
Session H30.00005 Competition between high Tc superconductivity and ferromagnetism in oxide multilayers Room: 334 |
Berry, Michael Physics Department, Bristol University, UK |
Session Q1.00001 Tsunami Asymptotics Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Berry, R. Stephen The University of Chicago |
Session T38.00002 Exploring Topographies and Dynamics on Many-Dimensional Landscapes Room: 410 |
Bhattacharya, Anand Center for Nanoscale Materials and Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B30.00001 Emergent properties of digital superlattices of LaMnO$_{3}$/SrMnO$_{3}$ Room: 334 |
Bhattacharya, Aniket University of Central Florida |
Session B4.00003 Simulation studies of DNA translocation through a nanopore ($^\dagger$) Room: 306/307 |
Bhattacharya, Pallab Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122, USA |
Session A22.00001 Electrically Injected Spin Polarized Lasers Room: 324 |
Bialek, William Princeton University |
Session W7.00001 Optimizing information flow in biological networks Room: 407 |
Bigot, Jean-Yves Institut de Physique et Chimie des Mat\'eriaux de Strasbourg, UMR7504, CNRS-ULP, Strasbourg 67034 |
Session T1.00004 Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of cobalt nanoparticles and individual ferromagnetic dots Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Bishop, David LGS, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent |
Session D3.00001 George E. Pake Prize Talk: Kosterlitz-Thouless Transitions, Weak Localization, Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations, Heavy Fermions, Flux Lattice Melting, Casimir Forces and other Pleasures from a Career in Low Temperature Physics Room: 301/302 |
Bisognano, Joseph SRC-University of Wisconsin |
Session L18.00004 Emerging Long-Wavelength Coherent Light Sources---from the infrared to soft X-rays Room: 319 |
Bleszynski-Jayich, Ania Yale University |
Session X1.00002 Persistent currents in superconducting rings well above their critical magnetic field Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Bloom, Kerry University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session Z4.00001 How mechanical properties of DNA relate to chromosome structure Room: 306/307 |
Bluhm, Hendrik Harvard University |
Session X1.00003 Observation of persistent currents in thirty metal rings, one at a time Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Bockrath, Marc California Institute of Technology |
Session L24.00001 Strongly Correlated Electron Phenomena in Carbon Nanotubes Room: 326 |
Bode, Matthias Argonne National Lab |
Session T1.00001 Chiral magnetic order at surfaces driven by inversion asymmetry Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Bodenschatz , Eberhard MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session Y5.00002 The Physics of Cardiac Fibrillation: Strings that kill Room: 401/402 |
Boghosian, Bruce Tufts University |
Session A6.00001 Unstable Periodic Orbits as a Unifying Principle in the Presentation of Dynamical Systems in the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum Room: 406 |
Bolotin, Kirill Columbia University |
Session J1.00001 Electrical transport in suspended graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Bonanni, Alberta Johannes Kepler University - Linz |
Session W22.00004 Origin and control of ferromagnetism in magnetically doped semiconductors. The case of (Ga,Fe)N Room: 324 |
Bonn, Mischa FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) |
Session Q37.00003 Femtosecond Sum-Frequency Generation Studies of the Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Water Room: 409 |
Boone, John University of California Davis |
Session V8.00001 Dedicated breast CT Room: 414/415 |
Boye-Faye, Ndeye Arame University Cheikh Anta Diop, Denegal |
Session B6.00003 Physics in Africa: The Case of Senegal Room: 406 |
Bozhevolnyi, Sergey University of Southern Denmark |
Session Q5.00004 Plasmonic nano-circuitry Room: 401/402 |
Braganca, Patrick Cornell University/Hitachi Global Storage Technologies |
Session Y32.00006 A Three Terminal Approach to Spin-Torque Written MRAM Cells Room: 336 |
Brenner, Michael Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session J9.00001 The self assembly of closed surfaces from flat sheet Room: 303 |
Broennimann, Christian DECTRIS Ltd |
Session W8.00004 CMOS Hybrid Pixel Detectors for Scientific, Industrial and Medical Applications Room: 414/415 |
Bruce, Richard Scripps-PARC Institute for Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Palo Alto Research Center |
Session W3.00005 Detection and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells Room: 301/302 |
Bruun, Georg Niels Bohr Institute |
Session B8.00005 Spin polarons, Molecules and Twin Peaks in rf spectra of Fermi gases at unitarity Room: 414/415 |
Buchler, Nicolas Rockefeller University |
Session A7.00005 Building a genetic transistor in yeast: How protein sequestration generates a tunable ultrasensitive or all-or-none response Room: 407 |
Buechner, Bernd IFW Dresden |
Session L3.00004 Superconductivity and Magnetism in LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$FeAs Room: 301/302 |
Buks, Eyal Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion |
Session D7.00005 Noise-activated switching and signal amplification in nonlinear resonators, from nanomechanical beams to superconducting striplines Room: 407 |
Burke, Kieron University of California, Irvine |
Session A37.00002 Semiclassical origins of density functional theory Room: 409 |
Buttiker, Markus Dept. Theor. Physics, University of Geneva |
Session X1.00001 Capacitance, entanglement energetics and persistent currents of mesoscopic rings Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Cagin, Tahir Texas A\&M University |
Session P12.00008 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Interfaces in Complex Materials Room: 308 |
Cahill, David Department of Materials Science and Materials Research Laboratory, U. Illinois-Urbana |
Session P4.00001 Transport of water and solutes in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes Room: 306/307 |
Calhoun, Tessa University of California, Berkeley |
Session A38.00001 Investigation of Excitonic Coherence in LHCII by 2D Electronic Spectroscopy Room: 410 |
Canfield, Paul Ames Lab / Iowa State University |
Session J34.00001 Effects of pressure on CaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ and related materials Room: 404 |
Cao, Chao University of Florida |
Session A13.00004 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics Talk: Understanding Nano-scale Electronic Systems via Large-scale Computation Room: 309 |
Cao, Gang University of Kentucky |
Session W30.00001 Ca$_{3}$(Ru$_{1-x}$Cr$_{x}$)$_{2}$O$_{7}$: A new paradigm for spin valves Room: 334 |
Capelle, Klaus University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Session D37.00001 Bounds on the correlation energy of Coulomb interacting systems: How negative does $E_c$ get, and what does this imply for approximate density functionals? Room: 409 |
Cappellaro, Paola ITAMP - Harvard Smithsonian Cfa and Physics Department |
Session Y17.00001 High-sensitivity diamond magnetometer with nanoscale resolution Room: 318 |
Carrington, Antony University of Bristol |
Session A3.00003 Magnetic penetration depth of oxy-ferropnictide superconductors Room: 301/302 |
Carruthers, George Naval Research Laboratory |
Session L4.00003 Space Weather and Global Warming Room: 306/307 |
Casanova, Felix University of California San Diego |
Session L31.00001 Spin Injection and Accumulation in Metallic Lateral Spin Valves with Transparent Contacts Room: 335 |
Castellanos-Beltran, Manuel JILA, NIST and the University of Colorado, and the Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 0309-0440, USA |
Session J3.00002 Nearly noiseless amplification of microwave signals with a Josephson parametric amplifier Room: 301/302 |
Castro Neto, Antonio Boston University |
Session A1.00004 The infrared conductivity of graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Cerbino, Roberto Universita degli Studi di Milano |
Session Y2.00002 Differential Dynamic Microscopy: a simple means to measure dynamics with a microscope Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Chabal, Yves University of Texas at Dallas |
Session T8.00004 Davisson-Germer Prize Talk: Hydrogen storage in nanoporous materials Room: 414/415 |
Chakhalian, Jacques University of Arkansas |
Session Q30.00008 Strongly Interacting Electrons at the Oxide Interfaces. Room: 334 |
Chakraborty, Arup K. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q7.00001 How T lymphocytes see antigen Room: 407 |
Chakravarty, Sudip UCLA |
Session B2.00001 Competing order, Fermi surface reconstruction, and quantum oscillations in high temperature superconductors Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Chamon, Claudio Boston University |
Session J1.00005 Electron fractionalization in two-dimensional graphenelike structures Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Champagne, Alexandre Caltech |
Session D1.00001 Phase Diagram of Bilayer 2D Electron Systems at $\nu _{T}$ = 1 Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Chandra, Premala Center for Materials Theory, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session Q2.00001 Sleuthing Hidden Order in $URu_2Si_2$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Chang-Hasnain, Connie University of California, Berkeley |
Session H5.00004 My experience with Bandwidth9 Room: 401/402 |
Chantis, Athanasios Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A22.00005 The importance of Fe interface states for ferromagnet-semiconductor based spintronic devices Room: 324 |
Chen, Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T28.00001 SiGe Nanocomposites Thermoelectrics: The Knowns and the Unknowns Room: 330 |
Chen, Jacqueline Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P5.00003 Terascale Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion Room: 401/402 |
Chen, Jianhao Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session J28.00005 Tuning Disorder and Interactions in Graphene Room: 330 |
Chen, Zhiyun Pixelligent Technologies LLC |
Session H5.00005 The Roller Coaster Ride of an Entrepreneur Room: 401/402 |
Cheng, Mary H. Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh |
Session W38.00001 Numerical modeling of fast gate-coupled ion permeation in ClC channels Room: 410 |
Cheung, Margaret University of Houston |
Session L39.00002 Crowded, cell-like environment induces shape changes in aspherical protein Room: 411 |
Chien, C.L. Johns Hopkins University |
Session A3.00001 Andreev reflection spectroscopy of iron-based superconductors Room: 301/302 |
Chiorescu, Irinel Florida State University, Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session Q8.00004 Multiphoton Coherent Manipulation in Large Spin Qubits Room: 414/415 |
Chklovskii, Dmitri Janelia Farms |
Session V2.00003 Is your brain wired optimally? Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Choi, Young Jai Rutgers University |
Session L30.00001 Ferroelectric magnets: a Conical Spiral and an Ising Chain Room: 334 |
Chou, Mei-Yin Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session D6.00001 First-Principles Studies of Phase Stability and Reaction Dynamics in Complex Metal Hydrides Room: 406 |
Chou, Tom UCLA |
Session T9.00001 Stochastic models of viral infection Room: 303 |
Christianson, Andrew Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session J35.00012 Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Fe Pnictide Superconductors Room: 405 |
Chshiev, Mairbek SPINTEC, CEA/CNRS, Grenoble, France / MINT Center, University of Alabama, AL, USA |
Session X29.00006 Voltage dependence properties of ballistic spin currents and spin transfer torques in magnetic tunnel junctions Room: 333 |
Chubukov, Andrey University of Wisconsin |
Session B35.00007 Theory of novel and superconducting properties of Fe-based superconductors Room: 405 |
Cieplak, Marek Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Session Z8.00002 From gene expressions to genetic networks Room: 414/415 |
Clarke, John University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T3.00002 Near-Quantum-Limited SQUID Amplifier Room: 301/302 |
Clementi, Cecilia Rice University |
Session V6.00005 Multi-resolution protein modeling by combining theory and experiment Room: 406 |
Cognet, Laurent Bordeaux University and CNRS, France |
Session T24.00002 Exciton Spectroscopy and Absorption Cross-section of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Room: 326 |
Cohen, Adam Harvard University |
Session Z7.00005 Single-molecule dynamics in nanofabricated traps Room: 407 |
Cohen, Itai Cornell University |
Session B14.00001 Restricted dislocation mobility in crystals of peanut-shaped colloidal particles Room: 315 |
Coish, Bill IQC, University of Waterloo |
Session D4.00003 Decoherence mechanisms for electron and hole spins in quantum dots Room: 306/307 |
Collins, Lee A. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session V23.00004 Mixtures in the Warm, Dense Matter Regine Room: 325 |
Colombo, Luciano Dept. Physics - Univ. Cagliari (Italy) |
Session J6.00005 Growth and optical properties of embedded silicon nanocrystals Room: 406 |
Conradi, Mark Washington University |
Session Y24.00001 Atomic Motions in Ionic Hydrides: MgH$_{2}$, NaMg$_{3}$H$_{3}$, and LiBH$_{4}$ Room: 326 |
Conway, James TBD |
Session T39.00008 to be determined by you Room: 411 |
Corkum, Paul National Reserach Council of Canada |
Session L18.00005 Atto-second Radiation via Higher Harmic generation in Laser-Plasma Interaction Room: 319 |
Corwin, Eric I. New York University |
Session Y7.00003 Confocal measurements of emulsions leading to a statistical model for frictionless, polydisperse packings Room: 407 |
Cox, Anne Eckerd College |
Session A6.00004 Computation in the Classroom: Open Source Physics Resources Room: 406 |
Cox, Daniel University of California Davis |
Session T6.00005 I2CAM and ICAM: Physics Internationally Room: 406 |
Crabtree, George Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G1.00002 Materials for Sustainable Energy Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Craig, Stephen Duke University |
Session X4.00003 Supramolecular Gels in the Bulk and at Surfaces Room: 306/307 |
Crocker, John C. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania |
Session J40.00005 What do cell rheology experiments really measure? Room: 412 |
Curtarolo, Stefano Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Department of Physics, Duke University - Durham NC 27708 |
Session A24.00001 Thermodynamic instabilities in nano-catalysts and their effects on the diameter of grown nanotubes Room: 326 |
Custance, Oscar National Institute for Materials Science |
Session H27.00005 Applications of AFM for atomic manipulation and spectroscopy Room: 329 |
Czujko, Roman American Institute of Physics |
Session J8.00001 The Physics Workforce: The Latest Data on Supply and Demand Room: 414/415 |
Dagotto, Elbio Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, and Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W4.00005 Study of Multiferroic Manganites using Double-Exchange Models Room: 306/307 |
Dai, Pengcheng Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session L3.00002 Magnetic order close to superconductivity in the iron-based layered RFeAsO1?xFx (R = La, Ce) systems Room: 301/302 |
Daly, Ruth Penn State University |
Session L4.00004 The Accelerating Universe Room: 306/307 |
Damman, Pascal Universit\'e de Mons-Hainaut |
Session Q4.00005 Micro-Origami: Elastic Instability of Polymer Films Room: 306/307 |
Das Sarma, Sankar University of Maryland, -College Park |
Session P1.00004 Quantum coherence of electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Datar, Ram H. Department of Pathology, Miller School of Medicine of University of Miami |
Session W3.00004 A portable circulating tumor cell capture microdevice Room: 301/302 |
Datta, Sujit Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session T8.00003 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Electronics at the Nanoscale: Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, and Single-Molecule Devices Room: 414/415 |
Datta, Supriyo Purdue University |
Session H28.00001 Thermoelectricity: A Bottom-up View Room: 330 |
Dauchot, Olivier CEA-Saclay SPEC/GIT |
Session L8.00003 Rigidity vs. Glass transition of a granular system close to Jamming Room: 414/415 |
Davidson, Cliff Carnegie Mellon University |
Session H8.00002 Air Quality from Early Pittsburgh to the Present: The Science of Change Room: 414/415 |
de Boer, Bert Molecular Electronics, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Session L11.00005 Electrical Conductance and Reversible Conductance Switching in Molecular Junctions Room: 305 |
Deem, Michael Rice University |
Session Q7.00002 Physical Theory of Vaccine Design for Influenza and Dengue Fever Room: 407 |
Delaney, Kris UCSB |
Session X6.00002 Superexchange-driven Magnetoelectricity in Magnetic Vortices Room: 406 |
del Barco, Enrique University of Central Florida |
Session Q8.00002 The Role of Antisymmetric Exchange on the Quantum Interference between States of Different Spin Length in a dimeric Molecular Nanomagnet. Room: 414/415 |
de Loubens, Gregoire Department of Physics, New York University |
Session Q8.00003 Spin dynamics in the single molecule magnet Ni$_4$ under microwave irradiation Room: 414/415 |
DeMarco, Brian Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session J16.00007 Experiments on Disordered Quantum Gases Room: 317 |
Demler, Eugene Harvard University |
Session P6.00002 Effects of magnetic dipolar interactions on collective modes and instabilities of alkali BECs Room: 406 |
Denlinger, Jonathan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00002 ARPES Clues to the Hidden Order in URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Dennis, Patrick NSF |
Session B7.00001 to be determined by you Room: 407 |
de Pablo, Juan University of Wisconsin |
Session B4.00002 DNA translocation through small channels and pores from molecular models. Hydrodynamic, electrostatic, and hybridization considerations. Room: 306/307 |
DeSimone, Joseph UNC Chapel Hill |
Session H2.00002 Engineered Colloids Having Particles of Controlled Size, Shape, and Chemistry Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session J3.00001 Quantum information processing with the Josephson ring modulator Room: 301/302 |
De Yoreo, Jim Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X39.00001 Investigating protein controls on crystal growth: how competing timescales and electrostatic interactions lead to bi-stable and catalytic growth Room: 411 |
Dieckmann, Kai Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany |
Session Q16.00002 Ultracold Heteronuclear Fermi-Fermi Molecules Room: 317 |
Di Matteo, Tiziana Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Z6.00003 Impact of TeraGrid on Cosmic Simulations Room: 406 |
Ding, Hong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session A3.00002 Pairing symmetry of iron-based superconductors revealed by ARPES Room: 301/302 |
Dinner, Aaron The University of Chicago |
Session Q7.00005 Genetic Circuit Architectures Underlying Cell Fate Choices for Immunity Room: 407 |
Dinsmore, A. D. University of Massachusetts Amherst Dept. of Physics |
Session V4.00004 Sublimation dynamics of colloidal microgel crystals Room: 306/307 |
Dobrynin, Andrey University of Connecticut |
Session Z4.00002 Electrostatic Rigidity of Biological Polyelectrolytes Room: 306/307 |
Donadio, Davide University of California Davis |
Session P28.00001 Atomistic Simulations of Heat Transport in Silicon Nanowires Room: 330 |
Dong, Shuai 1. University of Tennessee, Knoxville; 2. Oak Ridge National Laboratory; 3. Nanjing University |
Session P29.00001 Recent studies of models for manganites in the bulk and in superlattices Room: 333 |
Doorn, Stephen Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B24.00002 Raman Studies of Exciton and Exciton-Phonon Coupling Behavior in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Room: 326 |
Douglas, Jack Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session H2.00004 The Challenge of Understanding the ``Complexity'' of Polymeric Fluids and Solutions Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Drury, Byron C. Haverford College |
Session D17.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Factoring Quantum Logic Gates with Cartan Involutions Room: 318 |
Dunietz, Barry D. Univesrity of Michigan |
Session H38.00002 Molecular and Nano Scale Device-conductance: steady state and dynamical analysis Room: 410 |
Dunn, Alexander R. Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University |
Session H3.00002 The mechanism of load detection in the molecular motor myosin VI Room: 301/302 |
Durian, Douglas University of Pennsylania |
Session L8.00004 Measurement of growing dynamical length scale on approach to jamming in granular systems Room: 414/415 |
Dyakonov, Michel I. University of Montpellier II, CNRS, France |
Session P22.00001 Beller Lectureship Talk: Spin Hall Effect Room: 324 |
Dykman, Mark Michigan State University |
Session Z2.00003 Fluctuation-induced switching and the switching path distribution. Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Dynes, Robert University of California San Diego |
Session X8.00002 Tests of Localization in Metals and Semiconductors Room: 414/415 |
Dzero, Maxim Rutgers University |
Session H4.00003 Heavy electrons and symplectic symmetry of a spin Room: 306/307 |
Dzyaloshinskii, Igor University of California, Irvine |
Session P8.00004 Landau and Feyman diagrams Room: 414/415 |
Economou, Nicholas Carl Zeiss SMT |
Session H5.00003 Lessons Learned as a Serial Technology Entrepreneur Room: 401/402 |
Eisert, Jens Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London |
Session A8.00004 Can multi-particle systems be too entangled to be useful for quantum computation? Room: 414/415 |
Elghobashi, Said Mech. and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Irvine |
Session P5.00005 On the two-way interactions between dispersed particles and turbulent flows Room: 401/402 |
El Sayed, Karimat Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain-shams University |
Session J4.00004 Marshak Lectureship Talk: Women in Physics in Egypt and the Arab World Room: 306/307 |
Enoki, Toshiaki Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session L27.00004 Electronic and magnetic functions of nanographene-based host-guest system Room: 329 |
Entin-Wohlman, Ora Ben Gurion University |
Session X1.00004 Effect of pair-breaking on superconductivity and on persistent currents well above the transition temperature Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Epstein, Arthur The Ohio State University |
Session P32.00001 Organic Magnetoresistance Room: 336 |
Eremin, Ilya Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
Session A3.00005 Superconductivity, magnetism, and pairing symmetry in Fe-based superconductors Room: 301/302 |
Falcke, Martin Max DelbrĂĽck Centre for Molecular Medicine |
Session V1.00002 to be determined by you Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Falco, Charles M. University of Arizona |
Session W5.00004 Learning from Monet: A Fundamentally New Approach to Image Analysis Room: 401/402 |
Feiguin, Adrian Microsoft Station Q |
Session W2.00003 Density Matrix Renormalization Group Studies of Incompressible Fractional Quantum Hall States Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V4.00005 Phase behavior and rheology of ionic microgels Room: 306/307 |
Ferrari, Andrea C. University of Cambridge, Engineering Department, Cambridge, CB3 OFA, UK |
Session J25.00003 Doping, Strain, Orientation and Disorder of Graphene by Raman Spectroscopy Room: 327 |
Fertig, H.A. Indiana University |
Session D1.00004 Theory of Activated Transport in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Feygenson, Mikhail Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Y4.00003 Inelastic neutron scattering studies of exchange biased core-shell nanoparticles Room: 306/307 |
Finotello, Daniele National Science Foundation |
Session P7.00004 Perspective of NSF-MPS Program Directors on Educational Outreach Room: 407 |
Finzi, Laura Emory University |
Session X7.00002 to be determined by you Room: 407 |
Fischer, Peter CXRO/LBNL Berkeley CA |
Session T1.00005 Magnetic soft X-ray microscopy: Towards imaging ultrafast spin dynamics on the nanoscale Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Flatten, Amy APS Director of International Affairs |
Session T6.00002 International Experiences for Graduate Students: Opportunities and Challenges Room: 406 |
Flynn, George Columbia University Nanocenter |
Session A25.00003 A subnanometer view of the chemistry and electronic structure of graphene and graphite Room: 327 |
Folger, Michael University of California, San Diego |
Session J1.00003 Theory of an inhomogeneous electron structure of graphene at its neutrality point Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Fotakis, Costas IESL-FORTH |
Session H25.00001 Advances in micro/nano scale materials processing by ultrafast lasers Room: 327 |
Frank, Adam University of Rochester |
Session A6.00005 Astrophysical Computation in Research, the Classroom and Beyond Room: 406 |
Franklin, Samuel Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy |
Session Q6.00004 A New Approach to A Science Magnet School - Classroom and Museum Integration Room: 406 |
Franz, Judy American Physical Society |
Session J4.00002 Looking back, Looking Forward: An International Perspective Room: 306/307 |
Fredrickson, Glenn UC Santa Barbara |
Session A20.00001 Field-Based Simulations of Confined Block Copolymers Room: 321 |
Frei, Heinz LBNL |
Session L12.00001 Polynuclear Metal Oxide Photocatalysts in Nanoporous Silica Scaffolds for Artificial Photosynthesis Room: 308 |
Frisbie, Daniel University of Minnesota |
Session L19.00004 Employing `Liquid Gap' Transistors to Examine the Mobility-Carrier Density Relation in Polymer and Single Crystal Organic Semiconductors Room: 320 |
Fu, Liang University of Pennsylvania |
Session X3.00004 Theory of Topological Insulators Room: 301/302 |
Fuchs, G.D. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA |
Session A17.00001 Excited-State Spectroscopy and Control of Single Spins in Diamond Room: 318 |
Furukawa, Nobuo Dept. of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., and ERATO-Multiferroics, JST |
Session T30.00001 Electromagnon spectra in multiferroic manganites $R$MnO$_3$ Room: 334 |
G\"u\c{c}l\"u, A. Devrim Institute for Microstructural Sciences NRC, Ottawa and Duke University |
Session W24.00001 Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Interaction-Induced Localization in Quantum Dots and Wires Room: 326 |
Gammon, Daniel Naval Research Laboratory |
Session P1.00002 The quantum dot molecule from an optical point of view Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Ganesan, Venkat The University of Texas at Austin |
Session L1.00001 Dillion Medal Prize Lecture Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Gao, Kai-Zhong Seagate Technology |
Session V7.00001 Magnetic Thin Films for Perpendicular Recording Room: 407 |
Gao, Li IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session W29.00006 Spin-dependent tunneling effects in magnetic tunnel junctions Room: 333 |
Garate, Ion University of Texas at Austin |
Session T32.00008 Theory of Magnetization Relaxation in Conducting Ferromagnets Room: 336 |
Garrison, Barbara Penn State University |
Session L25.00001 Modeling of Laser Material Interactions Room: 327 |
Ge, Nien-Hui Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine |
Session J37.00002 Two-Dimensional Infrared Probes of Peptide Conformations: the 3$_{10}$-Helical Secondary Structure Room: 409 |
Gent, Alan University of Akron |
Session Q4.00001 Elastic instabilities in rubber Room: 306/307 |
Gervais, Guillaume McGill University |
Session W2.00004 Intrinsic Gap of the 5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall State and Tilted Field Experiments Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Ghatak, Animangsu Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur |
Session Q4.00004 Elastic Instability and Pattern Formation in Confined Soft Elastomeric Films Room: 306/307 |
Giardina, Irene CNR-INFM |
Session X5.00002 Three dimensional reconstruction of starling flocks: an empirical investigation of collective animal behavior Room: 401/402 |
Gibbons, James Stanford University |
Session D5.00004 The Origins and Development of the Silicon Valley Startup Model Room: 401/402 |
Gibson, J. Murray Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q3.00004 The Physics of the Blues Room: 301/302 |
Gillmor, Stewart Wesleyan University |
Session D5.00001 Prehistory of Silicon Valley, from 1910 to 1965 Room: 401/402 |
Gladney, Larry Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session L4.00001 Probing Beyond Einstein: The Joint Dark Energy Mission Room: 306/307 |
Glaros, Gregory SYNEXXUS, INC |
Gloaguen, Eric Laboratoire Francis Perrin, URA 2453 CNRS, Service des Photons, Atomes et Mol\'ecules - CEA Saclay |
Session L37.00002 IR/UV laser spectroscopy of secondary structures in isolated peptide chains: an original insight onto the non-covalent interactions that shape proteins Room: 409 |
Glotzer, Sharon University of Michigan |
Session A19.00004 Polymer-tethered nanoparticle ``shape amphiphiles": A new class of macromolecular building block for self-assembly Room: 320 |
Goldstein, Raymond University of Cambridge |
Session Y5.00004 Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella and the Evolution of Multicellularity Room: 401/402 |
Golubev, Dmitry Institut fur Nanotechnologie at Karlsruhe, Germany |
Session Y1.00005 Thermally activated phase slips in superconducting nanowires Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Gomes, Kenjiro K. Stanford University |
Session D2.00005 Nanoscale Imaging of the Pair Formation in High-Temperature Superconductors Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Gonnelli, Renato Dipartimento di Fisica and CNISM, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Session H33.00004 Coexistence of two order parameters and a pseudogap in the iron-based superconductors Room: 403 |
Gottlieb, Steven Indiana University |
Session L29.00001 One Lattice Gauge Theorist's Perspective on Important Skills and Concepts for Computational Physics Courses Room: 333 |
Govorov, Alexander Ohio University |
Session T2.00005 Exciton-plasmon interactions and energy transfer in nanoparticles Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Graafsma, Heinz DESY-Hamburg |
Session W8.00002 Novel Detector developments for the European XFEL Room: 414/415 |
Grabert, Hermann Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies |
Session Z2.00005 Theory of Josephson junction detectors of higher order noise cumulants Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Granick, Steve University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H2.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: Polymer Mobility at Surfaces and in Confined Environments Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Grason, Gregory University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session L39.00004 The Packing of Flexible Screws and the Self-Limited Assembly of Biopolymer Bundles Room: 411 |
Greven, Martin Stanford University |
Session D2.00001 New magnetic neutron scattering results for the high-T$_{c}$ superconductors HgBa$_{2}$CuO$_{4+\delta }$and Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_{x}$CuO$_{4+\delta }$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Grier, David New York Univ NYU |
Session Y2.00003 Holographic video microscopy Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Griesmaier, Axel University of Stuttgart |
Session P6.00004 Dynamics and coherence in a collapsing dipolar BEC Room: 406 |
Griffiths, Robert Carnegie-Mellon University |
Session D17.00005 Quantum Foundations of Quantum Information Room: 318 |
Grigoriev, Alexei The University of Tulsa |
Session B10.00006 Time-Resolved Studies of Polarization Switching in Pb(Zr,Ti)O$_{3}$ Capacitors Room: 304 |
Grosberg, Alexander Yu. New York University |
Session H3.00001 Are DNA transcription factor proteins Maxwellian Demons? Room: 301/302 |
Gruner, Sol Cornell University |
Session W8.00003 Integrating Pixel Array Detector Development Room: 414/415 |
Gruverman, Alexei University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session B10.00001 Switching behavior and scaling effects in ferroelectric capacitors Room: 304 |
Grzybowski, Bartosz A. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University |
Session W3.00002 Studying Cell Motility and Cell Mechanics with ``Designer Cells" Room: 301/302 |
Gu, Zhengcheng M.I.T. |
Session A8.00003 Tensor-entanglement renormalization Room: 414/415 |
Gunaydin, Hakan UCLA |
Session V5.00005 Kinetics of bulk and surface mass transport in complex metal hydrides Room: 401/402 |
Guo, Zheng Xiao University College London |
Session D6.00004 Fundamental design of hydrogen storage structures and systems. Room: 406 |
Gustafsson, Mats G. L. UCSF |
Session Y2.00001 Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Guthold, Martin Wake Forest University |
Session X7.00003 Interconvertible Lac Repressor--DNA Loops Revealed by Single-Molecule Experiments Room: 407 |
Haller, George Massachusetts Institute of Technology \& Morgan Stanley |
Session T38.00001 Transition State Theory for Higher-Rank Saddles Room: 410 |
Halperin, Bertrand I. Physics Department, Harvard University |
Session Z1.00001 Status of Experiments on the 5/2 Quantized Hall State: A Theorist's View Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Hammond, Andrew MagiQ Technologies, Inc |
Session Z5.00001 Quantum Key Distribution in the private sector Room: 401/402 |
Haney, Paul National Institute for Standards and Technology |
Session D8.00003 Spin transfer torques in antiferromagnets and magnetic semiconductors Room: 414/415 |
Hannon, James IBM Research Division |
Session B28.00001 Optimizing Graphene Morphology on SiC(0001) Room: 330 |
Harris, A. Brooks University of Pennsylvania |
Session J30.00001 Order Parameters and Phase Diagram of Multiferroic RMn2O5 Room: 334 |
Hartschuh, Achim LMU Muenchen |
Session Q24.00001 Optical near-field investigations of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes Room: 326 |
Hasan, M. Zahid Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session X3.00005 Observation of a New Topological Phase of Quantum Matter : Quantum Hall-like Effect without Magnetic Field Room: 301/302 |
Hassinger, Elena INAC, CEA Grenoble, France |
Session Q2.00004 Competition of Hidden Order and Antiferromagnetism in URu$_2$Si$_2$ under Pressure Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Hauet, Thomas Hitachi GST |
Session Y4.00002 Measuring interfacial magnetic configurations with Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Room: 306/307 |
Hawley, John University of Virginia |
Session L6.00002 Flows and jets around compact astrophysical objects Room: 406 |
Hayward, Ryan University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session Q4.00002 Creasing instability of solvent-swelled polymer films Room: 306/307 |
Heiblum_, Moty Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Z1.00002 Fractionally charged quasiparticles at filling fraction 5/2 Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Hell, Stefan Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry/ Dep. of NanoBiophotonics |
Session H7.00002 Far-Field Fluorescence Nanoscopy Room: 407 |
Hellberg, C. Stephen Naval Research Lab |
Session A2.00003 Role of the surface in the interfacial metal-insulator transition in LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Henkes, Silke Lorentz Institute |
Session Y7.00002 A statistical mechanics framework for static granular matter Room: 407 |
Hennessy, Mike Carnegie Science Center |
Session Q6.00005 Fractured Physics and the Great Color Caper: Large Scale Physics Outreach Room: 406 |
Heremans, Joseph P. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session L28.00001 Enhancement of the thermoelectric figure of merit by distortions of the dispersion relation Room: 330 |
Herranz, Gervasi Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain |
Session Y30.00007 Nanoscale analysis of high-mobility electron gases at SrTiO$_{3}$ interfaces and surfaces Room: 334 |
Hinkov, Vladimir Max-Planck-Institute for Solid-State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session J2.00003 Electronic liquid-crystal phases, symmetry breaking and Fermi-surface reconstruction in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+x}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Hodak, Miroslav North Carolina State University |
Session V6.00002 Quantum Simulations of Solvated Biomolecules Using Hybrid Methods Room: 406 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session B3.00001 Why Do We Need 10,000 Physics Majors? Room: 301/302 |
Hofheinz, Max University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W6.00003 Preparation of arbitrary quantum states in a microwave resonator Room: 406 |
Hohenberg, Pierre New York University |
Session P8.00001 Lev Landau: A View from the West Room: 414/415 |
Holcomb, Mikel University of California Berkeley |
Session V30.00001 Understanding Magnetism in Multiferroics Room: 334 |
Holmes, Richard Nutronics, Inc. |
Session Z5.00003 Advances in High-Resolution Imaging using Fourier Telescopy Room: 401/402 |
Hong, Byung Hee Sungkyunkwan University |
Session B28.00003 Centimeter scale pattern growth of graphene films for stretchable transparent electrodes Room: 330 |
Hosono, Hideo Tokyo Institute of Technoloogy |
Session D35.00001 Iron Pnictide Superconductors: discovery and advances Room: 405 |
Hrkac, Gino University of Sheffield |
Session W32.00004 Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts Room: 336 |
Hsiao, Benjamin Stony Brook University |
Session P4.00002 High Flux Nanofibrous Membranes for Water Purification Room: 306/307 |
Hsu, Shaw Ling Polymer Science and Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst |
Session V18.00001 Spectroscopic Analyses of Microstructures Associated with Plant Based Polymers Room: 319 |
Hu, Jiangping Purdue University |
Session P3.00004 Pairing symmetry and Antiferromagnetic Exchange Coupling in Fe-Based Superconductors Room: 301/302 |
Huang, Leaf University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session Z3.00001 Small Bioactive Lipoplex (SBL) Nanoparticles Self-Assembled at Elevated Temperature and Pressure Room: 301/302 |
Huang, Rui University of Texas at Austin |
Session T7.00005 Nonlinear dynamics of wrinkle growth and pattern formation in stressed elastic thin films on viscoelastic substrates Room: 407 |
Huang, Sui Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics |
Session V1.00004 to be determined by you Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Huard, B. Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94025, USA |
Session H1.00003 Effect of potential barriers on transport in graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Hudson, Eric MIT |
Session A27.00007 Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of High Temperature Superconductors: What We Gain By Taking a Closer Look Room: 329 |
Huey, Bryan University of Connecticut, Institute of Materials Science |
Session V27.00006 Simultaneous Nanomechanical and 3d Optical Microscopy: Cellular Distortions and Structural Dynamics Room: 329 |
Hull, Robert Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session A12.00008 Hierarchical Assembly of Epitaxial Quantum Dot Nanostructures on Templated Substrates Room: 308 |
Hwa, Terry U.C. San Diego |
Session A7.00004 Dissecting the nitrogen assimilation system of E. coli: from molecules to physiology Room: 407 |
Hwang, Harold University of Tokyo and Japan Science and Technology Agency |
Session A2.00005 Modulation Doping of Electrons and Holes at Oxide Interfaces Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
I\~niguez, Jorge Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC) |
Session X6.00003 First-Principles Approach to Lattice-Mediated Magnetoelectric Effects Room: 406 |
Inoue, Akihisa World Premier Initiative, Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University |
Session D3.00004 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: Development and Applications of Bulk Metallic Glasses Room: 301/302 |
Ishida, Kenji Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University |
Session Q35.00001 NMR Studies of Iron-Oxypnictide Superconductor LaFeAs(O$_{1-x}$F$_x$) Room: 405 |
Iwasa, Yoshihiro Tohoku University |
Session J18.00001 Light Emitting Transistors of Organic Single Crystals Room: 319 |
Jaffray, David Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital |
Session V8.00004 Image-Guided Radiation Therapy--Application and Advancement Room: 414/415 |
Janotti, Anderson University of California - Santa Barbara |
Session B21.00001 Hydrogen multicenter bond in oxide and nitride semiconductors Room: 323 |
Jayaraman, Vasanthi University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
Session W38.00004 Conformation changes in the Glutamate receptor as studied by LRET Room: 410 |
Jena, Puru Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session D6.00003 Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Storage Room: 406 |
Jensen, Grant California Institute of Technology |
Session H7.00004 Bacterial cryotomography Room: 407 |
Jeong, Hawoong Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Session J7.00004 Robustness of metabolic networks Room: 407 |
Jin, Deborah NIST, University of Colorado |
Session B8.00002 Photoemission Spectroscopy for Ultracold Atoms Room: 414/415 |
Jinnai, Hiroshi Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Session D19.00005 Quantitative electron tomography and its application to polymer nanostructures Room: 320 |
Jochim, Selim Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics and Heidelberg University |
Session V3.00005 A Three-Component Degenerate Fermi Gas. Room: 301/302 |
Johnson, Anthony University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Session B3.00002 Successful Minority PhD Producing Programs -- Bell Laboratories and the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program at UMBC Room: 301/302 |
Johnson, Mark Yale University |
Session Q37.00001 Surveying the potential landscapes controlling the accommodation of excess electrons by water networks Room: 409 |
Johnson, Peter CMPMSD, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 |
Session B2.00003 Fermi Arcs or Fermi Pockets Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Johnson, Steven G. MIT |
Session Z6.00004 Virtual photons in imaginary time: Computing Casimir forces in new geometries Room: 406 |
Johnson, William California Institute of Technology |
Session D3.00003 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: Metallic Glasses Room: 301/302 |
Jones-Smith, Katherine Case Western Reserve University |
Session W5.00003 The Drip Paintings of Jackson Pollock: Are They Really fractal? Room: 401/402 |
Jordan, Andrew University of Rochester |
Session Z2.00004 Theory of Mesoscopic Threshold Detectors of non-Gaussian Noise Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Jose, Jorge SUNY at Buffalo |
Session Z8.00003 Non-equilibrium thermodynamic effects during cell division Room: 414/415 |
Julian, Stephen University of Toronto |
Session L5.00004 How Do Heavy Fermions Get Polarized And Die? Room: 401/402 |
Junquera, Javier Universidad de Cantabria |
Session A10.00001 First-principles modeling of closure domains in ferroelectric ultrathin films Room: 304 |
Kabanov, Alexander University of Nebraska Medical Center |
Session Z3.00005 Recent Developments in Non-Viral Gene Delivery Room: 301/302 |
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago |
Session P7.00002 University Perspectives on Science Center/University Interactions Room: 407 |
Kadowaki, Kazuo University of Tsukuba |
Session X2.00004 Josephson LASER Working at THz Frequencies in Intrinsic Josephson Junctions Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kafafi, Zakya H. Director, Division of Materials Research, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Science Foundation |
Session T45.00001 Opportunities for Funding at NSF Room: 316 |
Kahn, Jason Chem. and Biochem., Univ. Maryland College Park |
Session X7.00004 The Energy Landscape of Hyperstable LacI-DNA Loops Room: 407 |
Kalelkar, Mohan Rutgers University |
Session J8.00003 The Rutgers Undergraduate Physics Program: Preparing Students for Varied Careers Room: 414/415 |
Kalliakos, Sokratis Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete |
Session P1.00003 Spectroscopy of Collective Modes in Few-electron Quantum Dots Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Kaminski, Adam Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session D2.00004 Competition between the pseudogap and superconductivity in cuprates Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kanai, Yosuke University of California, Berkeley |
Session A26.00005 First-principles studies of interfacial charge separation in nano-materials photovoltaic heterojunction Room: 328 |
Kanan, Matthew MIT |
Session L12.00011 Efficient photocatalysis at pH7: in-situ formation of a water-splitting cobalt catalyst at electrode interfaces Room: 308 |
Kapitulnik, Aharon Stanford University |
Session Y8.00004 A Cantilever-based apparatus for detecting micron-scale deviations from Newtonian gravity Room: 414/415 |
Kaplan, Wayne Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session P12.00001 Atomistic Structure and Energy of Solid-Liquid Interfaces Room: 308 |
Karapetrov, Goran Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q34.00001 Influence of Magnetic Domain Structure on Abrikosov Vortex Dynamics in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrids Room: 404 |
Karma, Alain Department of Physics and CIRCS, Northeastern University, Boston, USA |
Session Y5.00003 Spatiotemporal patterns of voltage and calcium signaling in heart cells and tissue Room: 401/402 |
Karniadakis, Gerorge Brown University |
Session P5.00002 Multiscale modeling of the human arterial tree on the TeraGrid. Room: 401/402 |
Kato, Reizo RIKEN |
Session P2.00001 Quantum spin liquid in the spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet EtMe$_{3}$Sb[Pd(dmit)$_{2}$]$_{2}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Katsnelson, Mikhail Radboud University Nijmegen |
Session P25.00006 Ripples on graphene and their effect on lattice and electronic properties Room: 327 |
Kavokin, Alexey University of Southampton |
Session T4.00005 Theory of polariton condensation and superfluidity Room: 306/307 |
Ke, Xianglin The Pennsylvania State University |
Session P31.00001 Magnetothermodynamics of spin ice and related compounds Room: 335 |
Kelton, Ken Washington University |
Session J6.00001 Coupled Nucleation Processes in Metallic Liquids and Glasses Room: 406 |
Kenzelmann, Michel Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session L30.00005 Ferroelectricity from magnetic order Room: 334 |
Kern, Klaus Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research and EPFL (Switzerland) |
Session H12.00004 Patterned molecular nanostructures Room: 308 |
Ketterle, Wolfgang Research Laboratory for Electronics, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, and Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139 |
Session V3.00002 The phase-diagram of a superfluid two-component Fermi gas Room: 301/302 |
Khodas, Maxim Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Y31.00008 Dynamics of excitations in a one-dimensional Bose liquid Room: 335 |
Khomskii, Daniel II Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln |
Session Q29.00001 Orbitals, reduced dimensionality and spin gaps in correlated oxides Room: 333 |
Kim, Danny Naval Research Laboratory |
Session J22.00001 Optical Spin Initialization and Non-Destructive Measurement in a Quantum Dot Molecule Room: 324 |
Kim, Jin-Woong Amore-Pacific Co. R\&D Center, 314-1, Bora-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-Do, 446-729, Korea |
Session V4.00003 New materials with microgels Room: 306/307 |
Kim, Kee Hoon Seoul National University |
Session X28.00001 Quantitative investigation of magnetoelectric coupling in various forms of multiferroics Room: 330 |
Kim, Kwang-Je Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L18.00001 Recent Advances in X-Ray Free Electron Lasers Room: 319 |
Kim, Mahn KAIST |
Session V2.00002 Confinement Effects on the Structure of Complex Fluids Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kim, Philip Columbia University |
Session B1.00003 Quantum Carrier Collimation in Locally Gated Graphene Heterojunction Devices Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Kim, Yong Baek University of Toronto |
Session P2.00004 Gapless spin liquids on the three dimensional hyper-kagome lattice of Na$_4$Ir$_3$O$_8$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Kim, Yong-Hyun National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session D6.00002 Energy Storage in Nanostructured Materials Room: 406 |
Kim, Young-June University of Toronto |
Session J2.00005 Magnetic Field and Temperature Dependence of Charge Stripe Order in La2-xBaxCuO4 (x$\sim $1/8). Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kim, Young-Kee Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and University of Chicago |
Session J4.00005 Women Physicists in Asia Room: 306/307 |
Kimura, Tsuyoshi Division of Materials Physics, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University |
Session W4.00001 Magnetically driven spiral ferroelectrics with high transition temperature Room: 306/307 |
Kinion, Darin LLNL |
Session J3.00004 Optimizing the Gain and Noise Temperature of Microstrip SQUID Amplifiers Room: 301/302 |
Kioseoglou, George Naval Research Laboratory and University of Crete |
Session Q22.00001 Intershell Exchange and Sequential Electrically Injected Spin Populations of InAs Quantum-Dot Shell States Room: 324 |
Kiryukhin, Valery Rutgers University |
Session W4.00004 Electric field control of magnetism and ferroelectricity in single crystals of multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ Room: 306/307 |
Klimov, Victor Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T2.00003 New Developments in Nanocrystal Lasing: Type-II Nanostructures and ``Giant'' Quantum Dots Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Klumpp, Stefan Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California at San Diego |
Session B7.00003 Growth-rate dependent effects on bacterial gene expression Room: 407 |
Koch, Jens Yale University |
Session W6.00002 Nonlinear response of the vacuum Rabi resonance Room: 406 |
Koch, Norbert Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin |
Session T20.00006 Tuning the ionization energy of organic semiconductor films: The role of intramolecular polar bonds Room: 321 |
Koenderink, Gijsje FOM Institute AMOLF |
Session X5.00004 Active biopolymer gels: from cells to tissues Room: 401/402 |
Kofu, Maiko Univ. of Virginia |
Session Y29.00007 Ba$_3$Cr$_2$O$_8$, a new non-Cu based quantum s=1/2 spin singlet system Room: 333 |
Kohler, Bern Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University |
Session H37.00003 Ultrafast Photodynamics in Diverse DNA Structures from A-tracts to Z-DNA Room: 409 |
Kohlmeyer, Axel University of Pennsylvania |
Session Z6.00002 Impact of the TeraGrid on Materials Science Room: 406 |
Koiller, Belita Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Session D22.00001 Quantum control of donor electron charge and spin in Si close to a Si-SiO$_2$ interface Room: 324 |
Kolagani, Solomon Neocera, LLC, Beltsville, Maryland, USA |
Session T27.00001 Plasma Energetic in Pulsed Laser Deposition and Pulsed Electron Deposition Room: 329 |
Kollath, Corinna CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau, France |
Session V3.00003 Trapping and cooling fermionic atoms into the Mott and N\'eel states Room: 301/302 |
Komatsuzaki, Tamiki Hokkaido University |
Session V38.00004 Exploring remnants of invariants buried in a deep potential well in chemical reactions Room: 410 |
Kong, Jing Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D25.00003 Large area, Few Layer Graphene Films on Insulating Substrates Room: 327 |
Kopelevich, Yakov Instituto de F\'isica ``Gleb Wataghin'', Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil |
Session Y3.00003 Bismuth and graphite in the ultraquantum limit: signatures of fractional quantum Hall effect Room: 301/302 |
Koshelev*, Alexei Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session X2.00003 Structure and stability of dynamic coherent states in intrinsic Josephson-junction stacks Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kosov, Daniel University of Maryland |
Session L38.00001 Statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium steady state systems Room: 410 |
Krane, Kenneth Department of Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331 |
Session D29.00001 A Dozen Years and a Thousand Participants: The Workshops for Preparing New Faculty in Physics and Astronomy Room: 333 |
Krapf, Diego Electrical and Computer Engineering and School of Biomedical Engineering, Colorado State University |
Session X38.00001 Dynamics of Kv2.1 channel cluster formation in mammalian neurons. Room: 410 |
Krishnamoorti, Ramanan University of Houston |
Session J5.00002 Interaction, Structure and Transport of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles Room: 401/402 |
Krupke, Ralph Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe |
Session D24.00001 Carbon nanotube devices: Sorting, Assembling, Characterizing Room: 326 |
Kudrolli, Arshad Department of Physics, Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610 |
Session X5.00001 Collective dynamics of rigid and deformable self-propelled particles Room: 401/402 |
Kumar, Jayant University of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Session A4.00005 Polymers as active components in harnessing solar energy Room: 306/307 |
Kumar, Sanat Columbia University |
Session H2.00005 Anisotropic Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle Amphiphiles Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Kung, Harriet Director, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy |
Session T46.00001 Opportunities for Funding at DOE Room: 315 |
Kurnikova, Maria Chemistry Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
Session X38.00003 Modeling Conformational Transitions and Energetics of Ligand Binding with the Glutamate Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Room: 410 |
Laderman, Stephen Agilent Laboratories, Agilent Technologies, 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA, 95051 USA |
Session T5.00004 Measurement Frontiers in Molecular Biology Room: 401/402 |
LaHaye, Matthew California Institute of Technology |
Session Y8.00002 Measurement of Dispersive Coupling Between a Nanoresonator and a Superconducting Qubit Room: 414/415 |
Langreth, David C. Rutgers University |
Session D37.00003 Van der Waals interactions in density functional theory Room: 409 |
Lanzara, Alessandra University California, Berkeley |
Session A1.00003 Tuning the properties of Dirac fermions in graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Larkin, Michael Wyatt Technology Corporation |
Session T5.00002 Determination of reversible protein equilibrium association coefficients using light scattering Room: 401/402 |
Leahy, Mark The Lawrence Convention Center |
Session H8.00004 The Greening of the David L. Lawrence Pittsburgh Convention Center Room: 414/415 |
Lebeugle, Delphine Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Sud, 91404 Orsay |
Session P10.00001 Exchange interactions between soft ferromagnetic thin films and multiferroic BiFeO$_{3}$. Room: 304 |
Lee, Dung-Hai U.C. Berkeley |
Session A3.00004 Antiferromagnetic Correlation and the Pairing Mechanism of the Cuprates and Iron Pnictides : a View From the Functional Renormalization Group Studies Room: 301/302 |
Lee, Junseok Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia |
Session T37.00001 Study of Water Adsorbed on the Cu(110) Surface using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Electron Stimulated Desorption Ion Angular Distribution Room: 409 |
Lee, Ka Yee C. The University of Chicago |
Session T7.00004 Wrinkle to fold transitions: Stress relaxation in lipid monolayers and other elastic thin films Room: 407 |
Lee, Kyoung Jin Korea University |
Session Y5.00005 Single cell motility and trail formation in populations of microglia Room: 401/402 |
Leeson, David Stanford University |
Session D5.00002 W. W. Hansen, Microwave Physics, and Silicon Valley Room: 401/402 |
Lehnert, Konrad JILA: University of Colorado and NIST |
Session T3.00003 Optomechanics with microwave light Room: 301/302 |
Leighton, Chris University of Minnesota |
Session X30.00001 Doping fluctuation-driven magneto-electronic phase separation in La$_{1-x}$Sr$_{x}$CoO$_{3}$ single crystals Room: 334 |
Leridon, Brigitte LPEM / CNRS |
Session D2.00003 Search for a thermodynamic evidence of a phase transition in the pseudogap state of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{6+x}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Lerner, Igor University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom |
Session X8.00004 Anderson Localization and Mesoscopics Room: 414/415 |
Lessner, CO-CHAIR: Eliane APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics |
Session J4.00001 Session Introduction Room: 306/307 |
Levin, Kathryn University of Chicago |
Session B8.00004 Theory of RF Spectroscopy in the Normal And Superfluid Phases of Ultracold Fermi Gases Room: 414/415 |
Levy, Jeremy University of Pittsburgh |
Session A2.00002 Oxide Nanoelectronics On Demand Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Lezec, Henri Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST |
Session A5.00002 Left-handed metamaterials operating in the visible: negative refraction and negative radiation pressure Room: 401/402 |
Li, Christopher Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 |
Session J5.00004 Polymer single crystal meets nanoparticle, toward ordered hybrid materials Room: 401/402 |
Li, Guohong Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 |
Session A1.00002 Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of graphene on graphite Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Li, Lu Physics Department, Princeton Univeristy, Princeton, NJ 08544 |
Session Y3.00001 Phase Transitions of Dirac Electrons in Bismuth Room: 301/302 |
Li, Tianshu Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis |
Session J6.00004 Surface Induced Crystallization In Tetrahedral Liquids Room: 406 |
Liang, Haiyi School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University |
Session T7.00001 The undulating shape of growing ribbons Room: 407 |
Liljeroth, Peter University of Utrecht |
Session B11.00001 Following elemental chemical steps by imaging molecular orbitals by STM Room: 305 |
Lin, Yu-Ming IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session J28.00001 Electronic properties of graphene and its operation at GHz frequencies Room: 330 |
Lin, Zhiqun Iowa State University |
Session Y18.00001 Drying-Mediated Self-Assembly of Highly Ordered Complex Structures: From Polymers to Nanoparticles Room: 319 |
Liphardt, Jan University of California, Berkeley |
Session Z7.00004 Using Photoactivation Light Microscopy (PALM) to construct comprehensive, nanometer precision atlases of signaling complexes Room: 407 |
Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer National Institute of Health |
Session H7.00003 Advances in super-resolution imaging technologies Room: 407 |
Littlewood, Peter University of Cambridge |
Session T4.00001 Theory of polariton condensation Room: 306/307 |
Liu, Andrea University of Pennsylvania |
Session Z8.00004 New Proposed Mechanism for Actin-Polymerization-Driven Motility Room: 414/415 |
Liu, Dexi University of Pittsburgh |
Session Z3.00003 Image-Guided Hydrodynamic Gene Delivery Room: 301/302 |
Liu, Feng University of Utah |
Session J26.00001 New Routes Toward Nanotube Synthesis: Computation and Experiment Room: 328 |
Liu, Kai University of California - Davis |
Session J31.00008 Probing Magnetic Configurations in Buried Cobalt/Copper Multilayered Nanowires Room: 335 |
Liu, W. Vincent University of Pittsburgh |
Session Y6.00003 Non-zero momentum Bose-Einstein condensation of orbital atoms Room: 406 |
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session B19.00001 Block Copolymers and Ionic Liquids: A New Class of Functional Nanocomposites Room: 320 |
Long, Jeffrey R. University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q28.00001 Carbon Dioxide Capture in Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks Room: 330 |
Loo, Yueh-Lin Princeton University |
Session A4.00003 New Materials and Approaches for Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells Room: 306/307 |
Lu, Donghui Stanford University |
Session P3.00001 ARPES studies of the electronic structure of Fe-based superconductors Room: 301/302 |
Lu, Peter Harvard University |
Session W5.00001 Quasicrystals in Medieval Islamic Architecture Room: 401/402 |
Lucero, Erik University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J17.00001 High-fidelity gates in Josephson phase qubits Room: 318 |
Luepke, Gunter College of William and Mary |
Session Q21.00001 High-Resolution Spectroscopy with a Free-Electron Laser: Vibrational Lifetimes of Hydrogen-related Defects in Silicon Room: 323 |
M\"uller, Wolf-Christian Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching, Germany |
Session L6.00004 Statistics and scaling in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence Room: 406 |
M'Passi-Mabiala, Bernard Marien NGouabi University |
Session B6.00004 Physics in Africa: The Case of Congo Room: 406 |
MacDonald, Allan H. University of Texas at Austin |
Session B1.00005 Octet Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene Bilayers Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Mahato, Ram University of Tennessee Health Science Center |
Session Z3.00002 New Developments in Non Viral Gene Delivery Room: 301/302 |
Maitra, Neepa Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York |
Session B37.00001 Phase-Space Explorations in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Room: 409 |
Majetich, Sara Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Y4.00005 Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Magnetic Correlation Lengths in Nanoparticle Assemblies Room: 306/307 |
Majumdar, Arunava University of California at Berkeley |
Session H28.00005 Nanostructured Silicon as a Thermoelectric Material Room: 330 |
Majzoub, Eric U of Missouri |
Session X24.00001 "Developments in the application of borohydrides for hydrogen storage" Room: 326 |
Malard, Leandro M. Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
Session L26.00003 Raman scattering in bilayer graphene: probing phonons, electrons and electron-phonon interactions Room: 328 |
Malashevich, Andrei Rutgers University |
Session X6.00004 First-principles Study of Improper Ferroelectricity in TbMnO$_3$ Room: 406 |
Mallouk, Thomas Pennsylvania State University |
Session P4.00003 Polymers for Waste Water Treatment Room: 306/307 |
Maloney, Craig Carnegie Mellon University |
Session L8.00005 Long-ranged anisotropic strain correlations in sheared amorphous solids Room: 414/415 |
Mamin, H.J. IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center |
Session Y8.00003 Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Ultrasensitive Force Detection Room: 414/415 |
Manchon, Aurelien University of Arizona |
Session D8.00002 Nonequilibrium intrinsic spin torque in a single nanomagnet Room: 414/415 |
Mangaliso, Mzamo P. National Research Foundation, South Africa \& University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session B6.00002 Physics in Africa: The Case of South Africa Room: 406 |
Manley, Suliana NICHD |
Session Y2.00005 Photoactivated localization microscopy combined with single particle tracking Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Mannhart, Jochen University of Augsburg |
Session A2.00001 A Novel Approach to Opening Quantum Mechanical Limitations of Semiconductor Electronics Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Marder, Michael The University of Texas at Austin |
Session B3.00004 Doubling the number of physics majors who teach Room: 301/302 |
Marshall, Eric Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Innovation; Director, TryScience.org and VolTS (Volunteers TryScience) |
Session P7.00003 University/Science Center Collaborations (A Science Center Perspective): Developing an Infrastructure of Partnerships with Science Centers to Support the Engagement of Scientists and Engineers in Education and Outreach for Broad Impact Room: 407 |
Martin, Jens Harvard University |
Session H1.00001 Scanning Single Electron Transistor Microscopy on Graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Maslov, Sergei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J7.00001 Mass-action equilibrium and non-specific interactions in protein binding networks Room: 407 |
Masood, Samina University of Houston-Clear Lake |
Session L4.00002 Thermodynamics of the Universe Room: 306/307 |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y8.00005 The quantum limit and beyond in gravitational wave detection Room: 414/415 |
McDermott, Robert University of Wisconsin |
Session T17.00001 Noise and Dephasing from Surface Magnetic States in Superconducting Circuits Room: 318 |
McEuen, Paul Cornell University |
Session P24.00001 Coupling of spin and orbital motion of electrons in carbon nanotubes Room: 326 |
McFarland, Robert N. Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session Y3.00005 High Mobility Sixfold Valley Degenerate Electrons on Silicon [111] Surfaces Room: 301/302 |
Mehta, Pankaj Princeton University |
Session W7.00004 Information processing and signal integration in bacterial quorum sensing Room: 407 |
Meiners, Jens-Christian University of Michigan |
Session X7.00005 Mechanics of Protein-Mediated DNA Looping Room: 407 |
Meller, Amit Boston University |
Session Z7.00001 Real time imaging of mRNA expression dynamics in live cells using protein complementation methods Room: 407 |
Mellon, Michael Quantar Technology Inc |
Session Z5.00005 High precision low light level imaging Room: 401/402 |
Melngailis, John University ogf Maryland |
Session A5.00005 High speed focused ion and electron beam nanofabrication Room: 401/402 |
Menon, Narayanan Dept. of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session T7.00003 Wrinkling patterns on floating elastic films Room: 407 |
Meservey, Robert MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory |
Session L2.00002 Oliver E. Buckly Prize Talk: Spin-dependent tunneling Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Mikkelsen, Maiken H. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session P1.00005 Ultrafast Coherent Control of a Single Electron Spin in a Quantum Dot Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Miller, Aline University of Manchester |
Session B18.00001 Directed Assembly of Biological Polymers Room: 319 |
Miller, Terry Ohio State University |
Session J37.00003 Earle K. Plyler Prize Talk: Using High Resolution Electronic Spectroscopy to Probe Reactive Chemical Intermediates Room: 409 |
Milne, William Engineering Dept, Univ of Cambridge |
Session B5.00002 Integration of CNTs with Silicon Room: 401/402 |
Ming, Bin NIST |
Session A5.00004 Helium Ion Imaging and Milling at the Nanometer Dimensions Room: 401/402 |
Miyazaki, Terunobu 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 |
Session L2.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Prize Talk: Birth of tunnel magnetoresistance and its development Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Moerner, W. E. Stanford University |
Session H7.00001 Irving Langmuir Prize Talk: Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging: Nanoscale Emitters with Photoinduced Switching Enable Superresolution. Room: 407 |
Molenkamp, Laurens W\"urzburg University |
Session X3.00003 Experimental observation of the quantum spin Hall state in HgTe quantum wells Room: 301/302 |
Moler, Kathryn Stanford University |
Session X2.00002 Nanomechanics of Individual, Isolated Vortices in a Cuprate Superconductor Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Molinero, Valeria University of Utah |
Session J6.00003 Nucleation of Ice Room: 406 |
Moodera, Jagadeesh Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L2.00003 Oliver E. Buckley Prize Talk: Spin polarized tunneling and tunnel magnetoresistance -- Learning from the past and moving forward Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Moritz, Henning ETH Zurich |
Session V3.00001 A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice Room: 301/302 |
Moriyama, Takahiro University of Delaware |
Session J29.00006 Tunnel barrier enhanced voltage signals generated by magnetization precession of a single ferromagnetic layer Room: 333 |
Morozov, Alexandre Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session X7.00001 Statistical mechanics of chromatin: Inferring free energies of nucleosome formation from high-throughput data sets Room: 407 |
Morton, John Oxford University |
Session H17.00001 Solid state quantum memory using 31P spins in silicon: advantages of hybrid qubit systems Room: 318 |
Mostovoy, Maxim Zernike Insitute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen |
Session W4.00002 Static and dynamic magnetoelectric coupling in frustrated magnets Room: 306/307 |
Motrunich, Olexei California Institute of Technology |
Session P2.00003 Critical ``metal''-like phases of frustrated spins and bosons in two dimensions Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Motter, Adilson E. Northwestern University |
Session J7.00003 Synthetic rescues and spontaneous cascades in metabolic networks Room: 407 |
Mucciolo, Eduardo R. University of Central Florida |
Session J1.00004 Electronic Transport in Disordered Graphene Sheets and Nanoribbons Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Mueller, Tim Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V5.00004 Computational methods to determine the structure of hydrogen storage materials Room: 401/402 |
Mueller, Torben Institue for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Session Y6.00001 Dynamics of ultracold atoms in higher lattice orbitals Room: 406 |
Mukerjee, Subroto University of California, Berkeley |
Session D28.00001 Thermoelectricity in oxides and weakly coupled single molecules Room: 330 |
Mulders, Norbert University of Delaware |
Session W1.00004 X-ray scattering experiments on solid helium Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Mullin, Tom Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK |
Session Q1.00003 Pattern Transformation Triggered by Deformation Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Muraki, Koji NTT Basic Research Laboratories |
Session D1.00005 Spin-dependent phase diagram in bilayer 2D electron systems Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Murnane, Margaret University of Colorado |
Session B3.00003 Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Women in Physics Room: 301/302 |
Nakagaki, Toshiyuki RIES, Hokkaido University |
Session Y5.00001 Cells anticipate periodic events Room: 401/402 |
Nakatsuji, Satoru University of Tokyo |
Session H4.00004 Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in $\beta $-YbAlB$_{4}$ Room: 306/307 |
Narang, Atul University of Florida |
Session B7.00005 Dynamics of bacterial gene regulation Room: 407 |
Natelson, Douglas Rice University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session H11.00005 Simultaneous electronic transport and Raman spectroscopy in single-molecule devices Room: 305 |
Nayak, Chetan Microsoft Station Q/UCSB |
Session Z1.00005 The Anti-Pfaffian and anti-Read-Rezayi States Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Nellutla, Saritha North Carolina State University |
Session Q8.00005 Understanding electron and nuclear spin dynamics in Cr$^{5+}$ doped K$_{3}$NbO$_{8}$ Room: 414/415 |
Nelson, Philip University of Pennsylvania |
Session L7.00001 First-principles Calculation Of DNA Looping In Tethered Particle Experiments Room: 407 |
Newman, Timothy Arizona State University |
Session J40.00001 Cell Rheology and Embryogenesis Using the Subcellular Element Model Room: 412 |
Nilsson, Anders Stanford Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory |
Session Q37.00002 X-ray Studies of Hydrogen Bonding of Water; the Liquid Phase and on Surfaces Room: 409 |
Nishide, Hiroyuki Waseda University |
Session A4.00004 Charge Transport and Storage within Radical Redox Polymers as Electroactive Materials in Energy Devices Room: 306/307 |
Norman, Michael Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J2.00004 Stripe order, electron pockets, and Fermi arcs Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Norton, David University of Florida |
Session T27.00007 Pulsed-Laser Deposition of ZnO Thin Films and Heterostructures for Device Applications Room: 329 |
Novoselov, Kostya University of Manchester |
Session B1.00001 Graphene and its chemical derivatives Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Novotny, Lukas University of Rochester |
Session P27.00001 Nanoscale Spectroscopy with Optical Antennas Room: 329 |
Nowack, Katja Delft University of Technology |
Session D4.00002 Locking electron spins into resonance by electron-nuclear feedback Room: 306/307 |
Nyeki, Jan Royal Holloway University of London |
Session W1.00005 Torsional oscillator experiments on helium films on graphite; the search for a two dimensional supersolid Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
O'Hara, Sabine Institute of International Education |
Session T6.00001 Preparing for Change: Challenges and Opportunities in a Global World Room: 406 |
Ohno, Hideo RIEC, Tohoku University / ERATO JST |
Session T22.00001 Electric-field manipulation of magnetization vector direction Room: 324 |
Olego, Diego Philips Healthcare |
Session T5.00003 Novel medical imaging technologies for disease diagnosis and treatment Room: 401/402 |
Olshanii, Maxim University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session H6.00001 Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and Quantum Thermodynamics Room: 406 |
Olson, Peter Johns Hopkins |
Session L6.00003 Fluid Mechanics of the Geodynamo Room: 406 |
Oluseyi, Hakeem Florida Institute of Technology |
Session L4.00005 Participation and Research of Astronomers and Astrophysicists of Black African Descent Room: 306/307 |
Ong, N. Phuan Princeton University |
Session B1.00002 The high-field state at the Dirac Point in graphene Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Onose, Yoshinori University of Tokyo |
Session W4.00003 Multiferroic domain wall and its relevance to magnetoelectric phenomena in ferroelectric helimagnets Room: 306/307 |
Or-Guil, Michal Systems Immunology Research Group, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany |
Session Q7.00003 Fast, continuous recirculation of germinal center B cell populations enhances robustness of immune response towards varying pathogens Room: 407 |
Ortiz, Gerardo Indiana University |
Session A8.00002 Topological Quantum Order from Symmetry and the Role of Temperature Room: 414/415 |
Ospelkaus, Silke JILA, NIST and University of Colorado |
Session P6.00001 Ultracold polar molecules Room: 406 |
Ouellette, Jennifer National Academy of Sciences |
Session Q3.00002 Prime-Time Science: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship? Room: 301/302 |
Ouyang, Min University of Maryland at College Park |
Session T2.00002 Controlled Crystallinity and Fundamental Coupling Interactions in Nanocrystals Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Padoan, Paolo University of California, San Diego |
Session P5.00001 Inertial Particles in Turbulent Flows and the Clustering Instability of Interstellar Dust Room: 401/402 |
Palacios, Tomas Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B5.00004 Beyond Moore's Law: Heterogeneous Integration of III-N Semiconductors and Si CMOS Electronics Room: 401/402 |
Palmer, Benjamin Laboratory for Physical Sciences |
Session T17.00011 Probing anomalous two-level systems with a Cooper-pair box Room: 318 |
Palmstrom, Chris Un. of Minnesota |
Session A12.00001 Controlled Synthesis of Functional Nanostructures Room: 308 |
Pan, Xiaochuan The University of Chicago |
Session V8.00002 Tomographic Imaging: Visualization of the Unseeable Room: 414/415 |
Parish, Meera Princeton University |
Session V3.00004 Polarized Fermi condensates Room: 301/302 |
Park, Cheol-Hwan University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B25.00003 Novel electronic and transport properties of graphene superlattices Room: 327 |
Park, Tuson Los Alamos National Laboratory / Sungkyunkwan University |
Session H4.00001 New developments in our understanding of superconductivity in the 115 materials Room: 306/307 |
Parrinello, Michele Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, USI Campus, Via Giuseppe Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland |
Session V6.00001 Metadynamics simulation of large scale motion in proteins Room: 406 |
Parthasarathy, Raghuveer University of Oregon |
Session L7.00002 Modulation of membrane mechanical properties by Sar1, a vesicle trafficking protein. Room: 407 |
Paschen, Silke Vienna University of Technology |
Session L5.00001 Quantum criticality in a cubic heavy fermion cage compound Room: 401/402 |
Pedraza, Juan Manuel Harvard University |
Session D39.00001 Stochasticity in cell biology: Modeling across levels Room: 411 |
Pekola, Jukka Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology |
Session Z2.00001 Detection of the third moment of shot noise by a Josephson junction Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Pelekhov, Denis The Ohio State University |
Session T1.00003 Ferromagnetic Resonance Imaging with Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Pellegrini, Vittorio NEST and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy) |
Session D1.00003 Optical probes of excitonic phases in quantum Hall bilayers at $\nu_T$=1* Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Pereira, Vitor Boston University |
Session Q25.00003 Graphene electronics via strain engineering Room: 327 |
Perkowitz, Sidney Emory University |
Session Q3.00003 Hollywood Science: Good for Hollywood, Bad for Science? Room: 301/302 |
Peterson, Michael University of Maryland |
Session W2.00001 Finite-Layer Thickness Stabilizes the Pfaffian State for the 5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Wave Function Overlap and Topological Degeneracy Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Peumans, P. Stanford U. |
Session T18.00001 Surface plasmon polariton assisted organic solar cells Room: 319 |
Pickard, Daniel S. Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore |
Session Q5.00001 A Technique for Nanoscale Plasmonic Imaging via Photoemission Room: 401/402 |
Pickett, Warren UCDavis |
Session P30.00006 Polar and non-polar oxide interfaces: charge and spin behaving badly Room: 334 |
Pinczuk, Aron Columbia University |
Session W2.00005 Observations of Low-lying Collective Excitations in Quantum Phases of the Second Landau Level Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Pitaevskii, Lev CNR INFM-BEC, University of Trento, Trento, Italy and Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia |
Session P8.00002 Landau and theory of quantum liquids Room: 414/415 |
Plotkin, Steven S. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia |
Session H3.00004 Theory of protein misfolding and applications to misfolding diseases Room: 301/302 |
Pochan, Darrin University of Delaware |
Session Y20.00001 Peptide Folding and Consequent Self-assembly for Shear Thinning Hydrogels with Immediate Recovery Room: 321 |
Pohl, Karsten University of New Hampshire |
Session H12.00008 Harnessing Surface Dislocation Networks for Molecular Self-Assembly Room: 308 |
Pokrovsky, Valery Texas A\&M University |
Session P8.00003 Landau and Theory of Phase Transitions Room: 414/415 |
Polini, Marco NEST-CNR-INFM and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
Session H1.00004 Ground-state Properties of Inhomogeneous Graphene Sheets Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Pollet, Lode University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session W1.00001 The role of dislocations in supersolid Helium-4 Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Pollock, John Duquesne University |
Session Q6.00003 Public Education and Outreach Through Full-Dome Video Technology Room: 406 |
Porto, Trey NIST |
Session Y6.00002 Control of Bosons in a 2D optical lattice with checkerboard staggered field. Room: 406 |
Potemski, Marek Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory, CNRS |
Session V25.00003 Landau level spectroscopy of Dirac fermions in multilayer epitaxial graphene and graphite Room: 327 |
Pothier, Hugues Quantronics, CEA-Saclay |
Session Z2.00002 Asymmetric noise probed with a Josephson junction Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Poulin, David D\'epartement de Physique, Universit\'e de Sherbrooke, QC, Canada |
Session A8.00001 Preparing ground states of quantum many-body systems on a quantum computer Room: 414/415 |
Pratt, Lawrence Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University |
Session W38.00003 Snug-fit, fluctuations, and metal-ion hydration in the selectivity of potassium ion channels Room: 410 |
Prezhdo, Oleg University of Washington |
Session T24.00001 Time-Domain Ab Initio Studies of Photoinduced Electron-Phonon Dynamics in Carbon Nanostructures. Room: 326 |
Prober, Daniel Yale University |
Session T3.00004 Noise in Mesoscopic, Quantum, and Nano-Systems Room: 301/302 |
Pu, Han Rice University |
Session Q16.00001 Novel quantum magnets: Dipolar quantum gases Room: 317 |
Qazilbash, M. M. University of California - San Diego |
Session P3.00002 Charge dynamics in the normal state of the iron oxypnictide superconductor LaFePO Room: 301/302 |
Quake, Stephen Stanford Univ |
Session Q7.00004 Fish Immunology Room: 407 |
Radu, Iuliana P. MIT |
Session Z1.00003 Quasiparticle Tunneling in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect at filling fraction $\nu$=5/2 Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Radzilowicz, John G. Carnegie Science Center |
Session Q6.00001 So, You Want to be a Science Communicator? Room: 406 |
Raghavachari, Krishnan Indiana University |
Session T8.00005 Davisson-Germer Prize Talk: Surface vibrations of adsorbates on Si(111): From small clusters to infinite lattices Room: 414/415 |
Ramamathan, Sharad Harvard |
Session A7.00002 to be determined by you Room: 407 |
Ramanathan, Chandrasekhar Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y22.00001 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Silicon Room: 324 |
Rapaport, Dennis C. Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University |
Session A6.00003 Molecular dynamics simulation: A tool for exploration and discovery Room: 406 |
Rappel, Wouter-Jan UCSD |
Session V1.00001 to be determined by you Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Ratner, Mark Northwestern University |
Session J38.00001 Transport in Molecular Junctions: Thoughts Coherent and Incoherent Room: 410 |
Razinkov, Vladimer Amgen, Inc. |
Session T5.00001 Virus Characterization by FFF-MALS Assay Room: 401/402 |
Reed, Jennifer University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session J7.00002 Getting from Genotypes to Phenotypes through Network Reconstruction and Modeling Room: 407 |
Reimers, Jeffrey University of Sydney, Australia |
Session H38.00001 The Role of Symmetry in Molecular Electronic Conduction Room: 410 |
Reis, Pedro Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q4.00003 The macroscopic delamination of thin films from elastic substrates Room: 306/307 |
Reneker, Darrell H. The University of Akron |
Session P4.00005 Hierarchical Fiber Structures Made by Electrospinning Polymers Room: 306/307 |
Riordan, Michael UC Santa Cruz |
Session D5.00003 From Bell Labs to Silicon Valley: A Saga of Technology Transfer, 1954-1961 Room: 401/402 |
Robinson, Jeremy Naval Research Laboratory |
Session L27.00001 Graphene and chemically modified graphene sensors Room: 329 |
Rogachev, Andrey Dpartment of Physics, University of Utah |
Session Y1.00001 Mapping out the Superconductor-Insulator Phase Diagram for Nanowires. Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Rokhinson, Leonid Purdue University |
Session W28.00006 GaMnAs-based hybrid multiferroic memory device Room: 330 |
Rokhsar, Daniel TBD |
Session Z8.00005 to be determined by you Room: 414/415 |
Roskies, Ralph University of Pittsburgh |
Session Z6.00001 Teragrid and Physics Research Room: 406 |
Ross, Caroline MIT |
Session X20.00001 Long range ordering in block copolymer thin films Room: 321 |
Rossi, Enrico Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Maryland |
Session H1.00005 Ground-state of Two-dimensional Graphene in the Presence of Random Charged Impurities Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Rotkin, Slava V. Lehigh University |
Session V24.00001 Broken Optical Symmetry in DNA-SWNT Hybrids: Spectroscopic Signaling of the Helical Wrap Room: 326 |
Roukes, Michael California Institute of Technology |
Session Z7.00003 Toward Single-Molecule Nanomechanical Mass Spectrometry Room: 407 |
Ruban, Andrei Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm |
Session H32.00001 Longitudinal spin fluctuations in itinerant ferromagnets Room: 336 |
Rubio, Angel Nano Bio spectroscopy group and ETSF, Universidad del Pais Vasco and Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU |
Session T37.00002 Theoretical description of excited state dynamics in nanostructures Room: 409 |
Ruff, Jacob McMaster University |
Session Y31.00004 Spin waves and quantum criticality in the frustrated XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ Room: 335 |
Rugar, Daniel IBM |
Session T1.00002 Ultrasensitive magnetometry and magnetic resonance imaging using cantilever detection Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Ruhl, John Case Western Reserve University |
Session U1.00001 Windows on Our Universe: Breakthroughs in Observational Cosmology Room: Westin Hotel Allegheny Ballroom |
Ruoff, Rodney The University of Texas at Austin |
Session H26.00003 Graphene-based Materials Room: 328 |
Russell, Thomas University of Massachusetts |
Session H2.00003 Polymers under Cylindrical Confinement Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session Y1.00003 Theory of the pairbreaking superconductor-metal transition in nanowires Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Sa de Melo, Carlos A. R. Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session D16.00001 BCS to BEC evolution for mixtures of fermions with unequal masses Room: 317 |
Safran, Samuel Dept. Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 76100 |
Session X5.00005 Beller Lectureship Talk: Active response of biological cells to mechanical stress Room: 401/402 |
Sagdeev, Roald University of Maryland |
Session P8.00005 Landau's Contributions to Applied Physics Room: 414/415 |
Saleh, Omar A. Materials Dept., UCSB |
Session V2.00001 The low-force elasticity of single-stranded DNA Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Samulon, Eric Stanford University |
Session B31.00001 Multiple magnetic phases in the frustrated S=1 spin-dimer compound Ba$_{3}$Mn$_{2}$O$_{8}$ Room: 335 |
Sankey, Otto F. Arizona State University |
Session B26.00001 An atomistic approach to viral mechanical oscillations Room: 328 |
Sanvitto, Daniele Universidad Autonoma Madrid |
Session T4.00004 Quantum fluid dynamics and superfluid behaviour of polaritons in microcavities Room: 306/307 |
Sanz, Eduardo Soft Condensed Matter, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University and SUPA, School of Physics, University of Edinburgh |
Session J6.00002 Out-of-equilibrium processes in suspensions of oppositely charged colloids: liquid-to-crystal nucleation and gel formation Room: 406 |
Sauvajol, Jean-Louis University of Montpellier |
Session B24.00001 Raman spectroscopy of individual freestanding single-walled carbon nanotubes of defined chiral structure Room: 326 |
Saven, Jeffery G. Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania |
Session H3.00005 Theoretical methods for engineering protein structure and function Room: 301/302 |
Scarola, Vito UC Berkeley |
Session Y6.00005 Realization of Extended Hubbard Models with Tailored Orbitals in Optical Lattices Room: 406 |
Sch\"on, Gerd University of Karlsruhe |
Session W6.00005 Lasing, Cooling, and Nonequilibrium Photon States in Circuit QED Room: 406 |
Schaak, Raymond Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q38.00003 Chemical tools for creating energy-relevant nanomaterials Room: 410 |
Schafgans, Alexander Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session J2.00001 Towards two-dimensional superconductivity in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ in a moderate magnetic field Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Schedin, Fredrik University of Manchester, UK |
Session P25.00003 Graphene Update Room: 327 |
Schlick, Tamar New York University |
Session Z4.00004 Mesoscale Modeling of Chromatin Folding Room: 306/307 |
Schlom, Darrell Cornell University |
Session B5.00005 Integration of Ferroelectrics, Ferromagnets, and Multiferroics with Silicon Room: 401/402 |
Schmidt-Rohr, Klaus Ames Laboratory and Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA |
Session A4.00002 The Nanostructure of Nafion for Fuel-Cell Membranes from Small-Angle Scattering and NMR Analysis Room: 306/307 |
Schoelkopf, Robert Departments of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University |
Session T3.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award Talk: Microwave Measurements of Mesoscopic Devices Room: 301/302 |
Scholes, Gregory University of Toronto |
Session B38.00002 Electronic coherence in electronic energy transfer despite fast dephasing Room: 410 |
Schonenberger, Christian Department of Physics, Univ. of Basel |
Session H11.00001 Conductance of Conjugated Organic Compounds in Controlled Environments Room: 305 |
Schr\"{o}ter, Matthias Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session Y7.00005 Measuring the configurational temperature of granular media Room: 407 |
Schuller, Ivan UCSD |
Session Q3.00005 Joys and Pain in Making a Science Movie Room: 301/302 |
Schuller, Jon Stanford University |
Session Q11.00001 Dielectric Optical Antenna Emitters and Metamaterials Room: 305 |
Schwartz, Ira U. S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session D7.00003 Fluctuations in epidemic modeling - disease extinction and control Room: 407 |
Schwartz, Russell Carnegie Mellon University |
Session T39.00001 Stochastic modeling of virus capsid assembly pathways Room: 411 |
Scott, Matthew University of Waterloo |
Session B7.00002 Growth laws and mechanisms of global control in bacteria Room: 407 |
Sebastian, Suchitra Cambridge University |
Session B2.00002 Quantum Oscillations in underdoped YBCO: the nature of Fermi surface reconstruction and evolution toward the Mott insulating regime Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Segev, Mordechai Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session X8.00003 Anderson Localization of Light Room: 414/415 |
Seyller, Thomas University of Erlangen |
Session B28.00002 Atmospheric pressure growth of graphene on SiC(0001) Room: 330 |
Shaevitz, Joshua W. Princeton University |
Session H7.00005 The Role of MreB in Escherichia Coli's Cellular Rigidity Room: 407 |
Shah, Nayana University of Illinois |
Session Y1.00002 Statistics of superconductive-resistive switching in nanowires: An effective probe for resolving phase-slip events Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Shahedipour-Sandvik, Fatemeh UAlbany-State University of New York |
Session J21.00001 Defects in Mg doped (Al,In)GaN thin films and nanostructures Room: 323 |
Shaji, Anil University of New Mexico |
Session A8.00005 Quantum-limited metrology and many-body physics Room: 414/415 |
Shalaev, Vladimir Purdue University |
Session T10.00008 Transforming Light with Metamaterials Room: 304 |
Shankar, Ramamurti Yale |
Session L2.00005 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize: The RG and me: love at first bite Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Sharma, Pradeep University of Houston |
Session Q10.00007 Flexoelectricity in nanostructures Room: 304 |
Sharon, Eran The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session T7.00002 The Mechanics of Non-Euclidean Plates in Synthetic and Natural Sheets Room: 407 |
Sharoni, Amos Department of Physics, UC San Diego |
Session H31.00004 Properties of Complex Oxides at the Nanoscale: First Order Phase Transitions through Avalanches. Room: 335 |
Sharpee, Tatyana The Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Session W7.00003 Decision boundaries for maximizing information transmission in neural circuits Room: 407 |
Shastry, Sriram University of California Santa Cruz |
Session T8.00002 Lar Onsager Prize Talk: An Exactly solvable model for Strontium Copper Borate: Mott Hubbard Physics on an Archimedean Lattices Room: 414/415 |
Shaw, Justin NIST |
Session X31.00001 Reversal mechanisms and defects in perpendicularly magnetized nanostructures Room: 335 |
Shayegan, Mansour |
Session Y3.00004 AlAs 2D Electrons at High Magnetic Field: The Role of Spin and Valley Degree of Freedom Room: 301/302 |
Shear, Jason The University of Texas at Austin |
Session X4.00005 3D Microfabrication of responsive protein gels Room: 306/307 |
Sheng, Donna California State Univ. Northridge |
Session P2.00005 Numerical Evidence of Gapless Spin Liquids on Ladders Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Shepard, Kenneth Columbia University |
Session V28.00001 Graphene field-effect transistors for RF applicatoins Room: 330 |
Shibauchi, Takasada Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session B2.00004 Field-Induced Quantum Critical Route to a Fermi Liquid in Overdoped Tl$_2$Ba$_2$CuO$_{6+x}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Shim, Yunsic Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo |
Session B12.00001 Effects of shadowing and steering in oblique incidence epitaxial growth Room: 308 |
Shivaram, Bellave University of Virginia |
Session P38.00002 High Capacity Hydrogen Sorption in Nanoscale Transition Metal Based Organometallic Complexes Room: 410 |
Shklovskii, Boris University of Minnesota |
Session Z4.00005 Complexation of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in gene delivery and biology Room: 306/307 |
Shpantzer, Isaac CeLight Inc |
Session Z5.00004 Recent progress in optical communications Room: 401/402 |
Shraiman, Boris USCB |
Session W7.00005 to be determined by you Room: 407 |
Shvets, Gennady UT Austin |
Session L18.00003 Photonic Band-gap Materials for Particle Acceleration Room: 319 |
Si, Qimiao Rice University |
Session P3.00003 Electronic Correlations and Magnetic Frustration in the Iron Pnictides Room: 301/302 |
Siddiqi, Irfan University of California, Berkeley |
Session T3.00005 Nonlinear Dispersive Measurement with Superconducting Circuits Room: 301/302 |
Siddons, Peter National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session W8.00001 Advanced X-ray Detector Development at NSLS Room: 414/415 |
Siegel, Donald Ford Motor Company |
Session V5.00002 Combining computation and experiment to accelerate the discovery of new hydrogen storage materials Room: 401/402 |
Silbey, Robert J. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B38.00001 Coherence and Decoherence in the Excited States of Light Harvesting Complexes Room: 410 |
Silva, Alessandro Abdus Salam ICTP |
Session H6.00003 Statistics of the Work done in a Quantum Quench Room: 406 |
Simon, Steven H. Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University |
Session D1.00002 $\nu=1/2+1/2$ Quantum Hall Bilayers Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Singh, David J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X35.00001 Electronic Structure of Fe-based Superconductors Room: 405 |
Singh, Mohit Seeo Inc |
Session B20.00001 Polymers for new battery technologies. Room: 321 |
Sinha, Sunil K. Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session Y4.00001 Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Studies of the Exchange Bias Problem Room: 306/307 |
Skolnick, Malcolm |
Session T5.00005 Biophysics at the Boundaries: The Next Problem Sets Room: 401/402 |
Skotheim, Jan Stanford University |
Session A7.00001 Feedback and Modularity in Cell Cycle Control Room: 407 |
Slater, Gary W. University of Ottawa |
Session B4.00001 Polymer Translocation: What Can We Learn From An Exactly Solvable One-Dimensional Model? Room: 306/307 |
Smith, Grant University of Utah |
Session J5.00001 Simulations of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles in a Polymer Matrix Room: 401/402 |
Snoke, David Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh |
Session T4.00002 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Microcavity Polaritons in Harmonic Traps Room: 306/307 |
Solano, Enrique Depto. Quimica Fisica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Apdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain |
Session W6.00004 Resonant Two-Qubit Gates and Mesoscopic Shelving Qubit Readout in Circuit QED Room: 406 |
Spencer, MODERATOR: Cherrill SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session J4.00007 Panel Discussion Room: 306/307 |
Spietz, Lafe NIST |
Session J3.00005 Lumped-Element DC-SQUID Microwave Amplifier Room: 301/302 |
Spontak, Richard North Carolina State University |
Session J5.00003 Modification of Block Copolymers Using Surface-Functionalized Hard and Soft Nanoparticles Room: 401/402 |
Sreenivasan, Katepalli International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy |
Session T8.00001 Nicholson Medal Talk: Hydrodynamic Turbulence Room: 414/415 |
Srinivasan, Gopalan Oakland University |
Session W28.00001 Multiferroic Microwave and Millimeter Wave Devices Room: 330 |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P6.00003 Evidence for supersolid behaviour in a spin-1 rubidium gas Room: 406 |
Starr, Francis W. Wesleyan University |
Session J5.00005 DNA Directed Nanoparticle Assemblies Room: 401/402 |
Starykh, Oleg University of Utah |
Session V31.00004 Spatially anisotropic Heisenberg kagome antiferromagnet Room: 335 |
Statman, David Allegheny College |
Session P7.00001 Lessons Learned from the APS/TFI Workshop on University/Science Center Collaborations: Outreach Strategies for Faculty Working with their Local Science Museum Room: 407 |
Stauber, Tobias University of Minho |
Session V25.00006 On the dynamical and dc conductivity of graphene Room: 327 |
Steel, Duncan G. University of Michigan |
Session H10.00001 Coherent Optical Phenomena in Quantum Dots Room: 304 |
Stein, Daniel New York University |
Session D7.00001 Transitions in the Kramers escape rate in classical and quantum field theories Room: 407 |
Stein, Derek Brown University |
Session Z7.00002 Nanopores and nanofluidics for single DNA studies Room: 407 |
Stengel, Massimiliano UCSB |
Session A26.00001 Interface electrostatics in ferroelectric capacitors from first principles Room: 328 |
Stephan, Odile Universite Paris Sud |
Session T2.00001 Mapping surface plasmons on a single metallic nanoparticle Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Stern, N.P. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session X3.00001 Imaging electrical spin generation and spin Hall dynamics in semiconductors Room: 301/302 |
Stockman, Mark I. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University |
Session Q5.00002 Ultrafast and Quantum Nanoplasmonics: SPASER and Control Room: 401/402 |
Stokbro, Kurt QuantumWise A/S |
Session J38.00002 Theoretical aspects of modeling the conductance of molecular junctions Room: 410 |
Stone, Lewi Tel Aviv University |
Session D7.00004 Forecasting fluctuating outbreaks in seasonally driven epidemics Room: 407 |
Strano, Michael MIT |
Session H24.00001 Single Molecule Detection in Living Biological Cells using Carbon Nanotube Optical Probes Room: 326 |
Strinati, Giancarlo University of Camerino, Dept. of Physics |
Session B8.00003 Competition between final-state and pairing-gap effects in the radio-frequency spectra of ultracold Fermi atoms Room: 414/415 |
Stroscio, Joseph A. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session H1.00002 Magnetic Oscillations and Landau Quantization in Decoupled Epitaxial Graphene Multilayers* Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Sukharev, Sergei University of Maryland |
Session X38.00002 Surfaces and boundaries in the mechanosensitive channel gating Room: 410 |
Sulkowska , Joanna University of California, San Diego |
Session T40.00001 Dodging the crisis of folding proteins with knots Room: 412 |
Suzuki, Yuri University of California, Berkeley |
Session A2.00004 Potential Barrier Lowering and Electrical Transport at the LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ Interface Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Tadmor, Arbel California Institute of Technology |
Session B7.00004 A Coarse-Grained Biophysical Model of \textit{E. coli} and Its Application to Perturbation of the rRNA Operon Copy Number Room: 407 |
Taillefer, Louis University of Sherbrooke and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Session B2.00005 Fermi surface reconstruction in high-$T_{c}$ superconductors Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Takagi, Hidenori University of Tokyo/RIKEN |
Session P2.00002 Spin Liquid State of in the $S=1/2$ Hyper-kagome Antiferromagnet Na$_{4}$Ir$_{3}$O$_{8}$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Takahashi, Susumu University of California Santa Barbara |
Session Q8.00001 Coherent Manipulation and Decoherence of S=10 Single-Molecule Magnets Room: 414/415 |
Tamm, Lukas Department of Molecular Physiology \& Biological Physics, University of Virginia |
Session Q39.00005 Membrane Fusion Proteins as Nanomachines Room: 411 |
Tanase-Nicola, Sorin University of Michigan |
Session D39.00008 Fitness effects of fluctuations in biochemical networks Room: 411 |
Tanner, Kandice University of California, Berkeley |
Session J4.00006 Women in Physics: A Caribbean Perspective Room: 306/307 |
Tao, N.J. Arizona State University |
Session L11.00001 Electron Transport in Single Molecule Junctions: Stability, Electron-Phonon Interactions and Current-Induced Local Heating Room: 305 |
Tarr, Joel Carnegie Mellon University |
Session H8.00001 Devastation and Renewal: Water, Air and Land in Pittsburgh Environmental History Room: 414/415 |
Tauber, Uwe C. Virginia Tech |
Session D7.00002 Stochastic predator-prey models: spatial variability enhances species fitness Room: 407 |
Taylor, Jacob Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D4.00005 Dynamic nuclear polarization with single electron spins Room: 306/307 |
Tchernyshyov, Oleg Johns Hopkins University |
Session D31.00007 Physics of the spin gap in the $S=1/2$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on kagome Room: 335 |
Tedrow, Paul Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, MIT |
Session L2.00004 Oliver E. Buckley Prize Talk: Discovery and exploration of spin-dependent tunneling Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC |
Teitel, Stephen Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester |
Session L8.00002 Critical Scaling of Shear Viscosity At the Jamming Transition Room: 414/415 |
te Velthuis, Suzanne G.E. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session H30.00001 Magnetism in Complex Oxide Heterostructures Determined with Neutron Scattering Room: 334 |
Thiele, Jan-Ulrich Seagate Technology |
Session J31.00004 Design of Co/Pd multilayer system with antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic phase transition Room: 335 |
Thirumalai, Dev University of Maryland |
Session V2.00005 Confinement effects on folding of proteins and RNA Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Thoss, Michael Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich |
Session L38.00002 Vibronic effects in single molecule conductance Room: 410 |
Thouless, David University of Washington |
Session X8.00001 Anderson localization in the seventies and beyond Room: 414/415 |
Thygesen, Kristian Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD), Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark |
Session P11.00001 Incorporating Exchange-Correlation Effects in Quantum Transport through Nano-scale Junctions Room: 305 |
Tiago, Murilo L. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Y10.00001 Green's Functions in Nanoscience Room: 304 |
Tighe, Brian Leiden University |
Session Y7.00004 Statistics of force networks Room: 407 |
Tkachenko, Alexei Physics Department, University of Michigan |
Session L7.00004 ``Double Bubble'' and other trouble with DNA looping Room: 407 |
Toke, Csaba Lancaster University |
Session W2.00002 Understanding the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall effect without the Pfaffian wave function Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Toomey, Ryan University of South Florida |
Session X4.00002 Volume-Phase Transitions and Swelling Instabilities in Surface-Tethered Responsive Gels Room: 306/307 |
Toroczkai, Zoltan University of Notre Dame |
Session V9.00013 Functional vs. Structural Modularity: do they imply each other? Room: 303 |
Torquato, Salvatore Department of Chemistry and Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544 |
Session D3.00005 David Adler Lectureship Award: n-point Correlation Functions in Heterogeneous Materials. Room: 301/302 |
Trainoff, Steven Wyatt Technology Corporation |
Session T5.00006 Characterizing Protein Complexes with UV absorption, Light Scattering, and Refractive Index Detection. Room: 401/402 |
Trappe, Veronique Dept. of Physics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
Session V4.00002 Equilibrium features in the arrested phase separation of PNiPAM microgels Room: 306/307 |
Traugott, Alan CLJ Engineering |
Session H8.00003 Material Science and Construction Room: 414/415 |
Trenberth, Kevin E. National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Session G1.00001 The flow of energy through the climate system and changes with global warming Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Tseng, Hsian-Rong Department of Molecular \& Medical Pharmacology, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA |
Session W3.00003 Nanostructured Substrates for Capturing Circulating Tumor Cells in Whole Blood Room: 301/302 |
Tsoi, Maxim Physics Department, University of Texas at Austin |
Session D8.00004 Spin-Transfer-Torques at a Ferromagnet/Antiferromagnet Interface Room: 414/415 |
Tutuc, Emanuel Microelectronics Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin |
Session B5.00001 Scaling Properties of High Performance Ge-Si$_x$Ge$_{1-x}$ Core-Shell Nanowire Field Effect Transistors Room: 401/402 |
Tycko, Robert National Institutes of Health |
Session J37.00001 Structures of Amyloid Fibrils and Protein Folding Intermediates: New Insights from Solid State NMR Room: 409 |
Ullrich, Carsten A. University of Missouri |
Session B37.00002 Time-dependent density-functional theory for electronic excitations in materials Room: 409 |
Urazhdin, Sergei West Virginia University |
Session D8.00005 Effects of polarizer dynamics on current-induced behaviors in magnetic multilayer nanopillars Room: 414/415 |
Utter, Brian James Madison University |
Session X9.00001 Jamming in Vibrated Granular Systems Room: 303 |
Uzer, Turgay Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session T38.00003 Transition State Theory: The Phase Space Perspective Room: 410 |
Vaia, Richard A. Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session X4.00004 Photoresponsive Polymers: Converting Light to Mechanical Work Room: 306/307 |
Valdes Aguilar, Rolando Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session T30.00005 Origin of electromagnons in multiferroic manganites Room: 334 |
Valkunas, Leonas Institute of Physics, Savanoriu 231, 02300 Vilnius and Theoretical Physics Chair, Vilnius University, Sauletekio 9, build. 3, 10222 Vilnius, Lithuania |
Session D38.00001 Exciton migration and fluorescence quenching in photosystem II Room: 410 |
van Kan, Jeroen A. CIBA, Physics Dept, NUS |
Session A5.00001 High aspect ratio 3D nanopatterning using Proton Beam Writing Room: 401/402 |
Van Keuren, Edward Department of Physics, Georgetown University |
Session J8.00005 Training PhD Physicists for Industrial Careers: The Industrial Leadership in Physics Program at Georgetown University. Room: 414/415 |
Venkatesan, T. National University of Singapore |
Session T6.00004 Physics Internationally From the Industrial Perspective Room: 406 |
Ventalon, Cathie Laboratory of Neurophysiology and New Microscopies, CNRS UMR 8154, INSERM S603, University Paris Descartes - 45 rue des Saints P\`eres - 75006 Paris |
Session Y2.00004 New techniques for fluorescence background rejection in microscopy and endoscopy Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Villegas, Javier E. Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, Campus de Polytechnique, 1 Avenue A. Fresnel, 91767 Palaiseau, and Universite Paris Sud 11, 91405 Orsay, France |
Session L34.00001 Geometry and magnetic-state induced phenomena in S/F nanohybrids: unusual flux pinning effects and bistable superconductivity Room: 404 |
Virnau, Peter Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Session T40.00006 Intricate knots in proteins: statistics, function and evolution Room: 412 |
Vispute, R.D. Blue Wave Semiconductors, Inc. |
Session H5.00002 Building an R\&D Based Company Room: 401/402 |
Volman, Vladislav UCSD |
Session V1.00005 Activity-dependent stochastic resonance in recurrent neuronal networks Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Voth, Greg University of Utah |
Session V6.00004 Systematic Coarse-Graining of Biomolecular Systems Room: 406 |
Waalkens, Holger |
Session V38.00001 Quantum Transition State Theory Room: 410 |
Waintal, Xavier SPEC, CEA Saclay |
Session X1.00005 Paramagnetic or diamagnetic persistent currents? A topological point of view Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Wallraff, Andreas Department of Physics, ETH Zurich |
Session W6.00001 Controlling Photons, Qubits and their Interactions in Superconducting Electronic Circuits Room: 406 |
Wang, Hong-Wei Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University |
Session L7.00005 Push or Pull? -- Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Microtubule's Dynamic Instability and Its Roles in the Kinetochore Room: 407 |
Wang, James Z. The Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q3.00001 Computerized Comparison and Analysis of Vincent van Gogh's Painting Brushstrokes Room: 301/302 |
Wang, Jian-Ping University of Minnesota |
Session V7.00002 Approaches and Applications of Tilted Magnetic Anisotropy in Hard Disk and STT-RAM Magnetic Recording for Extremely High Areal Density Room: 407 |
Wang, Jin Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D19.00001 Probing kinetics and dynamics of nanocomposites with grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering. Room: 320 |
Wang, Nan Lin Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 |
Session L3.00001 Competing orders and spin density wave instabilities in FeAs-based systems Room: 301/302 |
Wang, Yujie Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J27.00001 Synchrotron X-ray Ultrafast Phase-Contrast Imaging Study of Fluids Room: 329 |
Wang, Zengbo Laser Processing Research Centre, School of MACE, Manchester University, M60 1QD |
Session Q5.00005 Field enhancement by Plasmonic Nanostructures Room: 401/402 |
Wang, Zhen-Gang Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session A4.00001 Ion solvation and its effects on the miscibility of binary polymer blends Room: 306/307 |
Warburton, Richard Heriot-Watt University |
Session D4.00004 Experiments on hole spins in quantum dots Room: 306/307 |
Ward, Thomas University of Tennessee \& Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session D30.00001 Emergent Phenomena in Spatially Confined Manganites Room: 334 |
Warncke, Kurt Emory University |
Session H37.00001 Structure and dynamics in B12 enzyme catalysis revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy Room: 409 |
Weaire, Denis TCD, Dublin |
Session W5.00002 The Story of the Water Cube Room: 401/402 |
Wen, Hai-Hu IOP, CAS |
Session D35.00002 Materials and Physics in Pnictide Superconductors Room: 405 |
Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang CNRS, Institut Neel |
Session A31.00001 Molecular Spintronics using Molecular Nanomagnets Room: 335 |
West, Joshua Pennsylvania State University |
Session W1.00003 The effect of order, disorder, and confinement on the NCRI response in solid $^{4}$He Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Whangbo, Mike North Carolina State University |
Session X6.00005 Density functional study of the spin exchange interactions, magnetic structures and ferroelectric polarizations of multiferroics driven by magnetic order Room: 406 |
Wiebe, Christopher Florida State University/NHMFL |
Session Q2.00003 Neutron Scattering Studies of Hidden Order in URu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom BC |
Wieck, Andreas Dirk Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, D-44780 Bochum |
Session A5.00003 Direct writing of electronic circuits and micromachining by focused ion beam (FIB) implantation Room: 401/402 |
Wiggins, Chris Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics; Columbia University |
Session W7.00002 Form, Function, and Information Processing in Stochastic Regulatory Networks Room: 407 |
Willett, Robert Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent |
Session Z1.00004 Measurement of filling factor 5/2 quasiparticle interference Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom A |
Wingreen, Ned Princeton University |
Session A7.00003 Signal integration, gain, and integral feedback in the \textit{Escherichia coli} chemotaxis network Room: 407 |
Winter, Bernd BESSY, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany |
Session P37.00002 Electron dynamics and intermolecular energy transfer in aqueous solutions studied by X-ray electron spectroscopy Room: 409 |
Wirtz, Denis Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University |
Session W3.00001 Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy of Intercellular Adhesion in Cancer Room: 301/302 |
Woelfle, Peter Institut f. Theorie der Kondensierten Materie, Universit\"at Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany |
Session L5.00005 Electron spin resonance in Kondo systems Room: 401/402 |
Wohlgenannt, Markus U. of Iowa |
Session T20.00001 Magnetoresistance and magnetic-field-effects in organic semiconductor devices. Room: 321 |
Wolf, Martin Free University Berlin and Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany |
Session P37.00001 Electron Solvation Dynamics at D$_{2}$O Ice and Na/D$_{2}$O/Metal Interfaces Room: 409 |
Wolverton, Christopher Northwestern University |
Session V5.00001 Computational Discovery of Novel Hydrogen Storage Materials and Reactions Room: 401/402 |
Wong, Gerard C.L. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Z4.00003 Deafness and espin-actin self-organization in stereocilia Room: 306/307 |
Wong, Stanislaus Department of Chemistry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Session P38.00001 Nanoscale Architectures for Energy Applications Room: 410 |
Wu, Chi Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session Z3.00004 Revisit an old problem -- Complexation between DNA and PEI Room: 301/302 |
Wu, Congjun Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session Y6.00004 Novel orbital physics with fermions in optical lattices Room: 406 |
Wu, Xiao-Lun Univ.of Pittsburgh |
Session V1.00003 to be determined by you Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Wu, Xindi C Nanotechnology |
Session H5.00001 From a PhD in Physics to Manufacturing Carbon Nanotubes Room: 401/402 |
Wyart, Matthieu School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session Q9.00001 Geometric interpretation of pre-vitrification in hard sphere glasses Room: 303 |
Wyatt, Philip Wyatt Technology Corporation |
Session D3.00002 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics Talk: The Inverse Scattering Problem and the role of measurements in its solution Room: 301/302 |
Xia, Younan Washington University |
Session V18.00008 Electrospun Nanofibers for Neural and Tissue Engineering Room: 319 |
Xu, Ning University of Pennsylvania and University of Chicago |
Session L8.00001 Simple scaling of the glass transition temperature with pressure Room: 414/415 |
Xu, Ting University of California, Berkeley |
Session V19.00004 Combining Small Molecule with Block Copolymer: a Facile Approach to Direct Hierarchical Assembly of Nanoparticles Room: 320 |
Yaghi, Omar University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Q38.00002 Reticular chemistry for clean energy Room: 410 |
Yamamoto, Seiji Rice University |
Session L5.00003 Magnetism and the Fermi surface in heavy fermion metals Room: 401/402 |
Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi NEC Corporation |
Session J3.00003 Flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier Room: 301/302 |
Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Stanford University |
Session T4.00003 Observation of Bogoliubov excitations in exciton-polariton condensates Room: 306/307 |
Yanao, Tomohiro California Institute of Technology |
Session V38.00005 Intramolecular energy transfer, driving mechanisms, and reaction rates for collective motions of clusters Room: 410 |
Yang, Weitao Duke University |
Session A37.00001 Insights and Progress in Density Functional Theory. Room: 409 |
Yao, Wang The University of Hong Kong |
Session Z22.00001 Optical Control of Topological Quantum Transport in Semiconductors Room: 324 |
Yazyev, Oleg Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session D32.00004 Magnetism and magnetic interactions in graphene and graphite Room: 336 |
Yeh, Yin Department of Applied Science, University of California, Davis |
Session X39.00008 Mechanisms of function by AF(G)Ps in ice crystal growth prevention, modification and recrystallization Room: 411 |
Yildirim, Taner NIST and University of Pennsylvania |
Session L3.00003 Competing Magnetic Interactions, Structural Phase Transition, and the Unprecedented Giant Coupling of Fe-spin State and the As-As Interactions in Iron-Pnictide Room: 301/302 |
Yodh, Arjun University of Pennsylvania |
Session V4.00001 Melting and Frustration in Temperature-Sensitive Colloids Room: 306/307 |
Yoo, Choong-Shik Department of Chemistry and Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-2816 USA |
Session P13.00004 Mbar Chemistry: Novel States of Matter in Extreme Conditions Room: 309 |
Yoo, Jung Woo The Ohio State University |
Session T20.00002 Photo-induced Magnetism and Spintronics in Organic Semiconductors Room: 321 |
Yoon, Mina Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, University of Tennessee |
Session D6.00005 First principles design of electric-field-assisted high capacity hydrogen storage media Room: 406 |
Young, A. Peter University of California Santa Cruz |
Session X6.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Talk: Numerical Simulations of Spin Glasses and Related Systems Room: 406 |
Yu, Cedric University of Maryland School of Medicine |
Session V8.00003 Planning and Delivery of Radiation Therapy—Principles and Recent Developments Room: 414/415 |
Zank, Gary University of Alabama |
Session L6.00005 Turbulence in the interstellar and interplanetary medium Room: 406 |
Zastavker, Yevgeniya V. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering |
Session J4.00003 The 3$^{rd}$ International Conference on Women in Physics: Global Perspectives, Common Concerns, Worldwide Views Room: 306/307 |
Zentner, Andrew University of Pittsburgh |
Session Q6.00002 Public Outreach for the International Year of Astronomy Through Faculty and Science Center Partnerships Room: 406 |
Zha, Chaolin Department of Microelectronics and Applied Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Session V7.00004 Spin-torque oscillators with tilted fixed layer magnetization Room: 407 |
Zhang, Fuqing Penn State University |
Session P5.00004 Prediction and predictability of hurricanes with high-performance computers and cloud-resolving ensembles Room: 401/402 |
Zhang, Hepeng Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Session Q1.00004 Resonant generation of internal waves on a model continental slope Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Zhang, Lingfeng Matthew University of California, San Diego |
Session X25.00003 Interaction effects in graphene p-n junctions Room: 327 |
Zhang, Peihong University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Session D26.00001 Intrinsic magnetism in nonmagnetic nanostructures: Role of localized states and quantum confinement. Room: 328 |
Zhang, Ranran Pennsylvania State University |
Session J7.00005 Discrete dynamic modeling of T cell survival signaling networks Room: 407 |
Zhang, Shengbai Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session V5.00003 Novel hydrogen storage approaches using organometallics Room: 401/402 |
Zhang, Shoucheng Stanford University |
Session X3.00002 The quantum spin Hall effect and the topological magneto-electric effect Room: 301/302 |
Zhang, Wendy University of Chicago |
Session Q1.00002 Memory encoding vibrations in a disconnecting air bubble Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom A |
Zhang, Xiang NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) University of California, Berkeley and Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session H25.00005 Optical Bulk Metamaterials Room: 327 |
Zhang, Yuanbo Dept. of Physics, UC Berkeley |
Session W25.00003 STM on Gate-Tunable Graphene Room: 327 |
Zhao, Peng University of Maryland, College Park |
Session X28.00006 All thin film magnetoelectric magnetic field sensors. Room: 330 |
Zheng, Yi National University of Singapore |
Session J28.00004 Non-volatile memory devices using graphene and ferroelectric thin films Room: 330 |
Zholents, Alexander Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L18.00002 Novel Techniques for the Generation of Ultrashort Attosecond Pulses of Coherent Radiation Room: 319 |
Zhong, Chuan-Jian Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902 |
Session Q38.00001 Nanostructured Multimetallic Catalysts in Fuel Cells Room: 410 |
Zia, Rashid Brown University |
Session Q5.00003 Magnetic Light Emitters: Plasmon-enhanced Magnetic Dipole Transitions Room: 401/402 |
Zoller, Peter University of Innsbruck |
Session P6.00005 Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Simulations with Cold Polar Molecules and Rydberg Atoms Room: 406 |
Zollner, Stefan IBM |
Session J8.00002 Industrial Physics Careers: A Large Company Perspective Room: 414/415 |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B8.00001 Observation of Spin-Polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi liquid Room: 414/415 |
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