Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2006 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2006; Baltimore, MD
Session W41: Cold Fusion |
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Chair: Scott Chubb, Naval Research Laboratory Room: Baltimore Convention Center 344 |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:30PM - 2:42PM |
W41.00001: Cold Fusion – A 17 Year Retrospective Michael C. H. McKubre, Francis L. Tanzella Seventeen years after the APS voted to refute the reality of Cold Fusion in Baltimore, it is appropriate to consider what has changed. Who was right? We will review the current state of knowledge from the perspective of what we know now compared to what we knew then. Discussion will be made of various avenues of research that have followed from the original Fleischmann-Pons proposal: some failed, some unresolved and some successful. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:42PM - 2:54PM |
W41.00002: Recent Developments in Cold Fusion / Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Steven B. Krivit Krivit is recognized internationally as an expert on the subject matter of cold fusion / condensed matter nuclear science. He is the editor of $New$ $Energy$ $Times$, the leading source of information for the field of cold fusion. He is the author of the 2005 book, $The$ $Rebirth$ $of$ $Cold$ $Fusion$ and founder of New Energy Institute, an independent nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to accelerating the progress of new, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:54PM - 3:06PM |
W41.00003: Role of Finite Size in Triggering Excess Heat: Why Nanoscale PdD Crystals Turn on Faster Scott Chubb Two persistent questions have been: 1. Why is a finite triggering time required after the near full-loading condition (PdD$_x$, 0.85 \approx < x \rightarrow1$) before the Excess Heat effect\footnote{ C.G. Beaudette, \underline{Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed.} (Oak Grove Press, Bristol, ME, 2002)} is observed? 2. Is it possible to identify physical properties of the materials and/or crystals that are used that might be playing a role in the length of the interval of time associated with this phenomenon? In the talk, through a generalization\footnote{ S.R. Chubb, ``Role of Broken Gauge Symmetry on Conduction of Charged and Neutral Particles in Finite Lattices,'' submitted to Proc Roy. Soc Series A (2005).} of conventional energy band theory, as it applies to infinitely-repeating, periodic lattices to situations involving finite lattices, I have been able to address both questions. In particular, the tunneling time depends on crystal size. Crystals with dimensions $\approx <$6 nm, which have tunneling times $\approx$ microseconds, either can not provide enough momentum to initiate d+d$\rightarrow ^4$He reactions or conduct ion charge so rapidly that collisions occur. Crystals with dimensions $\approx$ 60nm create heat and load rapidly ($\approx$ 3 ms). But crystals with dimensions $>\approx$60 microns have tunneling times that are longer than a month. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:06PM - 3:18PM |
W41.00004: Resolving the Laughlin Paradox Talbot Chubb For paired Bloch electrons in a metal not subject to Pauli exclusion, the 2-electron Hamiltonian has the form\\ \\ $H=$$-\hbar ^2\over{4m_e}$$\Delta$$_c_m+(2e) U_l_a_t_t_i_c_e(r_c_m,N_c_e_l_l) +$$e^2\over{( N_c_e_l_l r_1_2)}$$-$$\hbar ^2\over{3m_e}$$\Delta$$_1_2$, \\ \\ where $r_c_m = r_1 +r_2, r_1_2 = r_1 - r_2$, and $r_1$ and $r_2$ are position vectors in configuration space, involving independent Bravais vectors $R_1$ and $R_2$ , such that $R_1 - R_2 = R_1_2$ is an independent Bravais lattice vector, and N$_c_e_l_l$ is the number of mutually shared potential wells over which the 2 electrons are coherently partitioned with entangled local density maxima. At large N$_c_e_l_l$, the magnitude of term 3 $<<$ the magnitude of term 1. When coordinate exchange symmetry is satisfied and energy minimized, term 3 cancels term 1 at $r_1_2= 0$, eliminating the singularity in the wave equation, thereby resolving Laughlin's paradox\footnote{R.B. Laughlin, ``A Different Universe'', (Basic Books, Cambridge MA, 2005) pp. 84-85.} [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:18PM - 3:30PM |
W41.00005: Dynamics of Non-linear Soft X-Ray Emission from a Plasma Discharge-Driven Hydride Target George H. Miley, Yang Yang, Michael Romer, Munima Haque, Ian Percel , Andrei Lipson, Heinz Hora A high current discharge apparatus with a pulsed power supply has been constructed and successfully demonstrated an intense soft x-ray ( $>$ 600 eV) emission during bombardment by a 300 V deuterium plsma discharge. Emission is delayed until $\sim$1/2 ms into the msec voltage pulse\footnote{G, Miley, et al., Trans. ANS, Washington, DC (Nov. 2005)}. Both electron and ion Bremsstrahlung have been ruled out as significant contibutions to the emission. A possible mechanism to explain this highly nonlinear x-ray emission is collective generation of soft x-ray quanta induced by a coherent D-diffusion process near the cathode's surface. This combined with continuous high current deuteron bombardment results in the penetration of recoil deuterons into the inner electron shell of the cathode material, generating x-ray emission. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
W41.00006: Control of Tardive Thermal Power Mitchell Swartz Previously, calorimetric improvements including thermal power analysis, dual ohmic controls, noise measurement and time-integration of multi-ring calorimetric systems with waveform reconstruction has led to the development of Phusor$^{TM}$ devices providing undeniable proof of excess heat in palladium heavy water (Pt/$D_2O$/Pd; ~0.5 cm$^3$, peak excess power ratios of 2.30 $^{+/-}$ 0.84; 1). We now report improved control of tardive thermal power (TTP) which develops long after the termination of electric input power. From an engineering perspective, this is important because the effective excess power generated is further greatly increased (up to an additional $\sim 410\%$ beyond that obtained without tardive thermal power operation); and because this improved means of operation can be coupled into over-unity motors and other work-producing systems. In addition, these systems have revealed further insight into the kinetics of the desired condensed matter reactions. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
W41.00007: Progress in Excess of Power Experiments with Electrochemical Loading of Deuterium in Palladium V. Violante, M. Bertolotti, E. Castagna, C. Sibilia, Irv Dardik, S. Lesin, T. Ziloy, F. Sarto, F. Tanzella, Michael C. H. McKubre A research activity has been carried out, during the last three years, in the field of triggering anomalous heat effects in palladium deuteride. An enhancement of the excess of power reproducibility in deuterated palladium was obtained by using HeNe laser irradiation during electrochemical loading. A preliminary correlation between excess of energy and helium-4 concentration increasing above the background was found. The continuation of the experimental program confirmed that laser triggering produces an interesting gain of reproducibility. An upgrade of the experimental set-up has been realized. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
W41.00008: Cavitation Foil Damage Roger Stringham We have developed a much improved cavitation system for sonofusion, compared to our initial systems. The new system is a low mass 1.6 MHz unit that produces 40 watts of excess heat with an acoustic input power of 17 watts. The increase in frequency (to 1.6 MHz from 40 KHz) increases the heat, improves the performance, shows reproducible results, and indicates durability. The calorimetry is a simple in flow through system. The difference between output and input temperature (T$_o$$_u$$_t$ - T$_i$$_n$) at steady- state, times the flow gives the power (calories/s) output of the sonofusion reactor. The energy density of this system is of the order of commercial energy suppliers. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
W41.00009: Isoperibolic Calorimetry Applied To The Pt/D$_2$O Blank System Martin Fleischmann, Melvin Miles Doubts have often been expressed about the precision and accuracy of isoperibolic calorimeters where the heat transfer is controlled by radiation across the vacuum gap of the Dewar cells. Therefore, experiments were conducted on blank systems consisting of Pt cathodes polarized in 0.1 M LiOD/D$_2$O. Both the differential and intergral heat transfer coefficients were evaluated, and the latter based on backward integration of the data sets should be used for accurate evaluations of the experimental data. The heat transfer coefficients obtained are in agreement with values given by the product of the Stefan-Boltzmann coefficient and the radiant surface area. It is shown that the precision of this calorimetry is better than 99.99 percent while the accuracy is close to this figure. This high precision and accuracy allows the determination of the rate of enthalpy generation due to the reduction of oxygen electrogenerated in the cell. This rate was 0.0011 W for oxygen reduction whereas the input enthalpy to the cell was about 0.8 W for these experiments. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
W41.00010: New Mechanism of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Using Superlow F.A. Gareev, I.E. Zhidkova We proposed a new mechanism of LENR (low energy nuclear reactions)\footnote{ F.A. Gareev, I.E. Zhidkova, E-print arXiv Nucl-th/0511092 v1 30 Nov 2005.}: cooperative processes in the whole system - nuclei+atoms+condensed matter can occur at smaller threshold than the corresponding ones assoiciated with free constituents. The cooperative processes can be induced and enhanced by (``superlow energy'') external fields. The excess heat is the emission of internal energy, and transmutations from LENR are the result of redistribution of the internal energy of the whole system. A review of possible stimulation mechanisms of LENR is presented. We have concluded that transmutation of nuclei at low energies and excess heat are possible in the framework of the known fundamental physical laws: The universal resonance synchronization principle\footnote{ F.A. Gareev, In: FPB-98, Novosibirsk, June 1998, p.92; F.A.Gareev, G.F. Gareeva, in: Novosibirsk, July 2000, p.161.}, and, based on it, different enhancement mechanisms of reaction rates are responsible for these processes\footnote{ F.A. Gareev, I.E. Zhidkova and Yu.L. Ratis, Preprint JINR P4-2004-68, Dubna, 2004.}$^,$\footnote{F.A. Gareev, I.E. Zhidkova, E-print arXiv Nucl-th/0505021 9 May 2005}. The excitation and ionization of atoms may play the role of a trigger for LENR. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
W41.00011: Comments on Summary of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Xing Z. Li, Bin Liu, Qing M. Wei, Shu X. Zheng, Dong X. Cao Research involving investigations of the production of tritium in electrolytic cells was a topic that was recommended by the Energy Research Advisory Board(ERAB) report of the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) in November, 1989. Fifteen years later, the evolution of related research has proven that this was an important recommendation. In the talk, a selective resonant tunneling model is used to attempt to explain the initial discoveries of tritium production. Deuterium flux might play a key role for solving the problem of reproducibility. A further investigation is suggested, based on this model. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
W41.00012: Excess heat observed during electrolysis of deuterated phosphoric acid with palladium electrodes and a solid state electrolyte in deuterium gas J.-P. Biberian , G. Lonchampt We start with the hypothesis that the production of excess heat is occurring at the recombination H+H$\rightarrow$H$_2$ gas. If the pressure of hydrogen at the time of recombination is high enough, nuclear reactions can occur. In the case of hydrogen H+H$\rightarrow$D+e$^+$ and in the case of deuterium D+D$\rightarrow$He$^{-4}$. The high pressure can be obtained using Nernst's law, the potential between a hydrogen electrode and the cathode is given by E=E$_o$+RTln($P\over{P_o}$). There are two sources for the potential: the electrochemical potential which is a characteristic of the metal in the presence of the metal ions, and on the other side,the over-potential for the formation of the hydrogen molecules. In this study we use palladium anodes and cathodes, but the cathode is covered with a thin film of a metal having either a low chemical potential or a high over-voltage for hydrogen formation. When deuterium molecules form at the surface of the electrode, very high pressures can be produced during a very short period of time during which possible nuclear reactions can happen. We show that excess heat is observed with clean palladium foils, and more excess heat is produced when the cathode is covered by a thin, metallic film, constructed using one of many possible metals. [Preview Abstract] |
Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
W41.00013: Creating an International Scientific Society as an Act of Scientific Rebellion William Collis When a new science is born, it is often necessary to unite dispersed groups of researchers all over the world. In this talk, I intend to describe the process of constituting and managing a new international scientific society covering such diverse issues as: 1.) Rationale; 2.) Initial feelers; 3.) Achieving consensus in the international community; 4.) Choice of jurisdicition; 5.) Corporate format; 6.) Establishing international pre-eminence in law; 7.) Reducing expenses; 8.) Tax minimization; 9.) Decision making; 10.) Democracy \& transparency; 11.) Raising funds; 12.) Rewarding excellence; 13.) Online publishing; 14.) Organizing meetings. These issues will be covered with reference to the history of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, which will celebrate its second birthday in March 2006. It currently has nearly 200 members from 23 different countries. [Preview Abstract] |
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